Phantom Camera Captures Cheetah Running at 60mph

November 26, 2012 | Zoltan Arva-Toth | General | Comment |

National Geographic has released a stunning slow-motion video capturing every nuance of a sprinting cheetah’s movements, with the animal running at top speeds of 60+ miles per hour. Working in co-operation with the Cincinnati Zoo and drawing on the skills of a Hollywood action movie crew, the National Geographic team used a Phantom camera capable of shooting at 1200 frames per second to film the movements of the magnificent feline. Click through / scroll down to watch the slow-motion footage as well as a behind-the-scenes video released by National Geographic.

Slow-motion video directed by Gregory Wilson:

Cheetahs on the Edge—Director’s Cut from Gregory Wilson on Vimeo.

Behind-the-scenes footage released by National Geographic:

The November issue of National Geographic Magazine features an article entitled “Cheetahs on the Edge” by Roff Smith, illustrated with photographs by Frans Lanting.

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