Portfolios: Martin Kimeldorf

Jack Low Rider

Jack Low Rider

"This is my Jack portfolio. It contains a study of my best friend, Jack the Dog. I’ve been shooting digitally for about 3 years years. As I learn to master pixel editing I find my work drifting more towards photoart rather than straight photography. I have arranged the sequence to suggest this idea. This collection spans three years.

I use my photography and pixel processing skills in my teaching, cookbooks, and how-to books (found on Amazon, etc). But mostly, I relax and zone out once the screen illuminates my study...and the world goes bye-bye. I work with a Nikon 5000 Coolpix, Studio Artist and Photoshop.

If people are interested, I have additional works on both PhotographyBlog as well as at http://m-photoart.blogspot.com. I am currently working on Catch A Shooting Star which will be about digital diaries, with an emphasis on images captured and digitally manipulated. If you have any questions I check my email every day ([email protected]).

I feel the opportunity to share at PhotographyBlog is unique...and it keeps me motivated."

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