How to Create the Zoom Blur Effect

October 25, 2012 | Mark Goldstein | Photography Techniques | Comment |

Have you ever been out and about with your camera and have lost all inspiration, you just cant seem to get your creative juices flowing and every shot you take seems dull and boring, well whenever it happens to me I always do this one great effect and before I know it hours have flown by and I have lots of amazing photos.

What’s this effect I hear you ask well I call it the blurred zoom effect its zooming while you are pressing the shutter realise button at the same time.

Here is an article explaining how to do it, like every thing in life, it becomes easy after a little bit of practice.

1. Control the amount of zoom

In simplistic terms you are zooming at the same time as pressing the shutter release button, but there are different techniques that you can use to do this.

Sometime you will need to control the amount that you zoom as the effect can be too much, so you can zoom half the range of your zoom lens allows.

Make sure you experiment with the zooming, from out to in and the other way around or even try stopping for a split second through the shot to see what results you get. You can also try zooming out fast and then slowly and see what effect this has, just experiment and have some fun with it.

2. Watch out for the light levels

In photography they say light is your friend but using this technique with too much light can make it tough getting these results, All these shot were taken on an overcast day, also early evening is another great time to take these kinds of photos. The problem is when there is too much light you can easily over expose the photos which makes them come out too light. One way of reducing this is by having the aperture up high like F32 in some extreme cases as this make the hole in your camera lens very small which reduces the amount of light which enters the camera.

How to Create the Zoom Blur Effect

Another tip is to put your ISO down to 100 as this makes the sensor in your camera less reactive to the light, which increases your chances of getting this style of shots as this will help reduce over exposure.

3. Keeping the camera still

Ok easier said then done but you need to keep the camera nice and still when you are using this technique, make sure you are holding the camera securely as you zoom in or out. I even go to the extent of breathing out softly, this helps keep you and your camera stay nice and still.

One of the very few times you could use a tripod during the day light is when you are trying to get these results, put the camera on a tripod and all you need to worry about is your zoom speed as the camera is now perfectly still this produces a different style of photo compared to hand held zoom effect photography.

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