PhotographyBLOG Portfolios: Chris Dixon

July 28, 2005 | Mark Goldstein | Photography Blog | Comment |

Chris DixonThe 56th PhotographyBLOG Portfolio has been submitted by Chris Dixon.

“I was visiting a Tibetan refugee camp in Nepal hoping to get some video footage with a colleague, but a ban on video inside the monastery forced us to pull out still cameras. Stepping inside the main room to watch the young monks chant their morning meditations, we were struck by the ancient light that filters through ornate windows. The monastery is part of a long-established and relatively wealthy refugee camp in Nepal and most of these boys are sent by their parents at a young age. They are monks, but walking out the front door they play cricket, talk on mobile phones and are interested in Nike sneakers like most boys their age. That said though, there’s a lot we can learn from the spiritual discipline of even these young boys. The mindless entertainment and material fluff that we allow to crowd our lives is, in part at least, responsible for the void that westerners try to fill in their obsession for Tibetan Buddhism.”

Website: Chris Dixon