Fotomaps Map-Based Photo Gallery

November 30, 2006 | Mark Goldstein | Websites | Comment |

FotomapsBenekDesign Press Release

Flash and XML powered photo gallery offers unique map-based interface; let’s users explore photos in geographical context.

AUCKLAND, New Zealand, November 29, 2006 – BenekDesign has just released software that lets users embed photos into a map, placing each image at the exact location where it was taken. Navigating the map is as simple as clicking where you want to go. You can zoom in or out, drag the map to different regions, plus get a caption with the location, photographer and date of each photo. Each photo is represented by a small thumbnail on the map, which identifies where the photo was shot. When you click on a thumbnail, the screen zooms in and displays the embedded photo. Mouse over the top left corner of a picture to see its caption.

If more than one picture was taken in the same location, a series of photos can be viewed as a slide show. And there’s no limit to the number of photos you can add.

Click outside the photo and the screen zooms out to display thumbnails of photos in nearby locations. Click again to view the entire map.

Easy to Use
Fotomaps is easy to use and update, requiring no knowledge of Flash or coding. Anyone can make a Fotomap and anyone can view it.

To add photos to your gallery, you add a few lines of information about your photos to an external XML file and upload this file along with your photos. Your Fotomap updates automatically to include the new photos.

You can download ready-made maps from the Fotomaps library, or create your own. Choose map colors that match your website, and write the title and text for your Fotomaps gallery.

What Users Say
“I love how Fotomaps ties my photos to places I’ve been.”

“It’s the most fun and visually stunning photo gallery I’ve ever come across. Setup is a snap. Your friends will be amazed!”

“This is a great tool for a photographer who wants to display a travel album, or for a company that needs to connect destinations with images.”

“I’d have to pay a Flash developer thousands of dollars to get something as cool as Fotomaps. Now my portfolio is turning heads.”

For more details on Fotomaps, visit To view a demo, go to
