Horseman VCC Pro for DSLRs

August 19, 2009 | Zoltan Arva-Toth | Accessories | Comment |

Direct Source Marketing, the sole U.S. distributor of Horseman photo products, has announced the Horseman VCC Pro, a device that offers full bellows function, a variety of technical movements, and gives a DSLR large format view camera functions. The VCC Pro is described as a breakthrough because it does the only thing DSLR’s can’t do—technical movements. Compact and lightweight, the new Horseman camera converter comes in models for Nikon and Canon Digital SLR’s. Both VCC models give the end user control of both the front and rear standard, and allows them to use tilt, swing, shift, fall, rise or any combination of these. The VCC also provides four-frame stitching with a full-frame / FX imager. This makes for extremely high resolution images equivalent to those produced by professional high end digital backs. Inaccuracies between successive pictures are held to an absolute minimum, making post-editing an easy task. The Horseman VCC Pro is manufactured in Japan and will be available at professional photo dealers.

Direct Source Marketing Press Release

Horseman VCC Pro for DSLRs Provides Full Bellows and Advanced Technical Movement Capabilities

Turns DSLR Into Large Format Type View Camera

CONCORD, CA, (AUGUST 19, 2009)—Direct Source Marketing (DSM), the sole U.S. distributor of Horseman photo products for professionals and high-end consumers, today announced the Horseman VCC Pro, a hand-held view camera that offers full bellows function, a variety of technical movements, and gives a DSLR large format view camera functions.

The VCC Pro is a breakthrough because it does the only thing DSLR’s can’t do—technical movements. This allows professional photographers to handle technical movements ranging from tabletop shooting to landscape photography.

“Technical movements are important in a digital SLR since bellows functions are one of the major attractions of large format photography,” stated Richard Dischler, President of DSM.

Compact and lightweight, the new Horseman camera converter comes in models for Nikon and Canon Digital SLR’s. Both VCC models accept a wide variety of lenses and control depth of field and perspective, as well as utilize digital image stitching.

Since the VCC is on revolving mount, you can easily switch between horizontal and vertical positions with a single turn of a knob. It can also be held or mounted on a tripod.

The VCC Pro gives the end user control of both the front and rear standard and allows them to use tilt, swing, shift, fall, rise and any combination to increase or reduce depth of field and to correct perspective distortions —even at the widest aperture —from architectural, table top, food and commercial work to photography in restricted spaces. The rear standard is used for stitching images together and allows 30mm vertical and 40mm horizontal movements by the use of an ultra precise spindle drive.

The VCC also provides four-frame stitching with a full size CCD or FX imager. This provides extremely high resolution image quality equivalent to that achieved by professional high end digital backs. Inaccuracies between successive pictures are held to an absolute minimum, making post-editing an easy task.

Getting the image “right and tight” on capture allows far more creativity for the photographer. All additional software applications now can work far more effortlessly and creatively providing a true workflow solution.  The VCC truly extends the function and creativity of the DSLR platforms.

Horseman products are manufactured in Japan by Komamura Corporation.

The Horseman VCC Pro will be available at the professional photo dealers.

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