Let's Play Another Game

April 1, 2004 | Mark Goldstein | Digital | Comment |

Michael Reichmann’s latest digital photography article is tellingly subtitled “The Digital Middle-Ages are Now Over”. He argues that image quality is virtually the same between similarly-specced cameras, and that things like user interface and ergonomics are much more important considerations when buying a new camera.

“I believe that debates over image quality are becoming largely irrelevant. In each category, 5MP digicams, 8MP digicams, 6MP DSLRs, etc, while there are modest differences between cameras, these are actually now quite minor when real-world prints are viewed. Usually what people obsess about at 100% on-screen disappears when seen in a print, especially when every other aspect of image processing and production is less than exceptionally well done.”

Website: Luminous Landscape - Let’s Play Another Game