Mastering Your DSLR Camera

November 13, 2014 | Zoltan Arva-Toth | Books | Comment |

Mastering Your DSLR Camera is a new iBook by Simon Watkinson. "In this book I have set out out all the key technical components, along with some great creative tips, to allow you to create images that impress," the author says. "Each section has been broken down into individual elements, so you learn one step at a time. There are example images throughout the book, with accompanying text that explains how that image was created. The 184-page ebook is now available for pre-order on iTunes, priced at £14.99.

Press Release

You already may feel familiar with your camera, but after reading this book you will have a much more in-depth and greater understanding of your equipment. Understanding how your camera works, knowing its limitations, and getting to grips with the best settings for the job is an essential part of taking photographs.

The DSLR offers the photographer a great deal of creative control. With a wide range of lenses and all sorts of fancy accessories to help you in the creative process, you could find yourself spending vast sums of money. Time to put the brakes on! Cut back on the spending and use the kit that you do own to its full capability. Some of the world's best images have been taken with a fixed standard lens. The key is all about understanding the techniques, and becoming comfortable and familiar with the equipment that you use.

This book sets out all the key technical components, along with some great creative tips, to allow you to create images that impress. Each section has been broken down into individual elements, so you learn one step at a time. There are example images throughout the book, with accompanying text that explains how that image was created. There are interactive and additional information elements to further enhance and consolidate your learning, along with post production step-by-step tutorials (Photoshop).

The road to taking great pictures may be long, but it is also very enjoyable. There's no magic wand! Understand your subject, understand your equipment, and enjoy the journey... who knows where it will take you!

Mastering your DSLR camera by Simon Watkinson ABIPP is available from 16th November 2014 (available now on Pre-order) in the iBook store priced at £14.99.

Publisher Tabella Publishing LLP
ISBN 9780992622145

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