Olympus mju 1030 SW Review

August 7, 2008 | Mark Goldstein | Digital Compact Cameras | Comment |

Olympus mju 1030 SWImaging Resource have reviewed the Olympus mju 1030 SW, a 10 megapixel shock and waterproof digital camera.

“Before I launch into the ups and downs of the Olympus 1030SW’s image quality, let’s get one thing straight: if you’re looking for the ultimate in image quality, you’re not going to find it here. However, depending in the images, you should be able to make prints up to 8x10 inches that will look fine hanging on the wall or sitting on the coffee table in a frame. Just don’t look too closely.”

Website: Imaging Resource - Olympus mju 1030 SW Review

Website: Read our Olympus Mju 1030 SW Review

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