Photographer’s i Magazine

Ilex Press has released the pilot issue of Photographer’s i Magazine, which is billed as “the world’s first interactive, multimedia tablet magazine for photographers”. Photographer’s i offers informative articles about the world of photography in the form of text, photos, video and audio as fully integrated elements that add up to an informative experience greater than the sum of its parts, the publisher says. The pilot issue — available for US $1.99 / UK £1.49 after downloading the free app from iTunes or the Android Market — features internationally acclaimed professional photographers such as Abbas, Julian Broad, Michael Freeman, Steve Simon, Jay Maisel, Romano Cagnoni, Bob Krist, Haje Jan Kamps, Stephanie G. Roberts, Natalie “Miss Aniela” Dybisz, Robert Golden, Laura El-Tantawy, Steve Sint and others. Future issues will be available for a single issue price of US $5.99 (UK c. £3.75) or through money-saving subscription offers.
Press Release
Pilot issue of Photographer’s i Magazine launches
Ilex Press announces the release of the Pilot issue of Photographer’s i Magazine — the world’s first interactive, multimedia tablet magazine for photographers. Available bimonthly in the iTunes App store and Android Marketplace, Photographer’s i Magazine is designed from the ground up to take best advantage of the presentation capabilities and viewing superiority of tablets. A far cry from magazines that simply convert their print layouts to pdfs for tablet presentation, Photographer’s i offers informative articles about the world of photography in the form of text, photos, video and audio—not as gimmicks, but as fully integrated elements that add up to an informative experience greater than the sum of its parts. Photographer’s i also represents a departure from the traditional photo magazine model of devoting a large amount of space to equipment reviews and advertising. Our editorial philosophy is to concentrate on creativity, inspiration and image-making without the distraction of advertisements. We feature professionals who are specialists in their fields or who are up-and-coming artists just starting to win awards and recognition for their work.
The Pilot issue—available for US $1.99 / UK £1.49 after downloading the free app—features internationally acclaimed professional photographers such as Abbas, Julian Broad, Michael Freeman, Steve Simon, Jay Maisel, Romano Cagnoni, Bob Krist, Haje Jan Kamps, Stephanie G. Roberts, Natalie “Miss Aniela” Dybisz, Robert Golden, Laura El-Tantawy, Steve Sint and others. The Photographer’s i Magazine Pilot issue takes you on an international tour of the art of photography as you travel to places like Italy, Kentucky, China, Sussex, London and more. In every bimonthly issue (every other month) you will earn about composition, lighting and other techniques from pros who are at the top of their game. Hear the stories behind the stories, visit photographers in their studio or on the road and watch and listen as they talk about their most memorable minutes from a lifetime of professional shooting. Discover what inspires them to create, learn how they solve problems on a shoot and hear their war stories from their many years behind the lens. We invite you to check it out. There is no other photography magazine like this!
Pricing and availability:
Photographer’s i Magazine is published bimonthly (every other month). The Pilot issue is available at the promotional price of US $1.99/UK £1.49. Future issues will be available for a single issue price of US $5.99 (UK c. £3.75) or through money-saving subscription offers.
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