How to Photograph Fireworks

November 3, 2007 | Mark Goldstein | Photography Techniques , Photography Blog | Comment |

Fireworks by supermarvin76In anticipation of the Bonfire Night celebrations in the UK this weekend, I’ve trawled the web for the 10 best tips and tutorials on photographing fireworks. You still have a day or so to read through all this great free advice before you head out, so have a read and learn how to take great fireworks photos. Even if you don’t live in the UK, these great tips should come in handy on more than one occasion this year. And after this weekend, when you’ve taken lots of award-winning photos of fireworks displays, make sure to share them in our Gallery.

The fireworks photo pictured was taken by PhotographyBLOG Gallery member supermarvin76.

New York Institue of Photography
How to Photograph Fireworks
One of NYIP’s “Top Ten” most requested “How-To” Articles.
Shooting Fireworks with a Digital Camera
Great advice from professional Jim Barthman, both for during and after the display.

Fireworks UK
Techniques for photographing firework displays
More on photographing fireworks
Some great links to fireworks photos from the UK; be inspired!
Top Tips for Shooting Fireworks
The usual succinct advice from BetterPhoto.

Garry Black Photography
Photographing Fireworks
Top tips from a professional stock photographer.

Photographing Fireworks With a Digital Camera
Digicam-specific advice.

Imaging Resource
July 4th fireworks tips!
Comprehensive advice from Michael R. Tomkins.

About Photography
Shooting Fireworks
Excellent 4-part series of articles - essential reading.

Sky DreamZ
Fireworks Photos
Entirely dedicated to photos of fireworks displays from the UK.

So there you have it - 10 links that should teach you all you need to know about photographing fireworks. Got a great tip that hasn’t been covered in any of these articles? Or do you know of a great article that I haven’t included? Leave a comment below and let everyone know.

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