Technologies for Digital Fulfillment Conference
Society for Imaging Science & Technology Press Release
Springfield, Va., December 6, 2006 — Las Vegas is the venue for the first International Symposium on Technologies for Digital Fulfillment, sponsored by the Society for Imaging Science and Technology ( An evolution of the highly-acclaimed biennial
International Symposia on Photofinishing Technology, the 2007 conference will be held March 3-5, 2007—just prior to PMA2007—at the Westin Casuarina Hotel and Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada. As the industry undergoes an epic transformation, this technical conference (the only one offered in conjunction with PMA/DIMA) will address issues associated with generating photos from capture devices—such as camera phones, digital still cameras, and conventional color negative film—to image processing and various modes and methods of output. The conference features 26 talks, two of which will include working demonstrations of the new technology advances being described.
Mark Schneider, CTO of Kodak’s Consumer Digital Group, will present the conference keynote during lunch on Sunday. Schneider will review special technological developments in the field.
The conference begins with a Saturday evening reception, followed by two full days of technical paper presentations. Planned networking times provide opportunities for participants to interact with each other. A special session on Sunday gives attendees the opportunity to make five minute presentations about their companies, technologies, and/or related activities. Information about this session will be sent to registrants closer to the date of the conference.
Full conference registration, including the Saturday evening reception and Sunday lunch, is $300 for IS&T members ($375 for non-members). Details and registration information can be found at
IS&T has arranged for a discounted rate of $179 + 9% tax at the Westin Casuarina Hotel & Spa; the rate is available three days prior to and three days after the conference on a space available basis. Hotel reservations must be made by February 9, 2007. To reserve your room call 866/837-4215 and identify yourself as being with the Society for Imaging Science and Technology Digital Fulfillment Conference or book online at More information about the hotel can also be found at the Starwood website.
Conference Committee
General Chair: Stuart Gordon, Eastman Kodak Co.
Program Chair: Simon Widdowson, Hewlett Packard Corp.
Papers Co-Chairs:
Kurt Freund, Imaging Power Picture & Print
Rita Hofmann, ILFORD Imaging Switzerland GmbH
Steve Howe, Fujifilm USA, Inc.
Sang Hung, Sprint
Michel Molaire, Eastman Kodak Co.
Hirotoshi Terao, Alps Electric Co., Ltd.
Public Relations Chair: Don Franz, Photofinishing News
Advisory Board: Peter Krause, consultant; Joe LaBarca, Eastman Kodak Co.; Herb Stein, consultant
IS&T is an international non-profit society whose mission is to keep members abreast of the latest scientific and technological developments in the field of imaging through conferences, journals, and other publications. IS&T focuses on all aspects of imaging, with a particular emphasis on digital printing, color imaging, electronic imaging, photofinishing, image preservation, pre-press technologies, hybrid imaging systems, and silver halide. For more information, visit us at