Gallery Member Spotlight - Christopher Azzopardi
In the latest installment of this regular series, we cast the spotlight on members of the PhotographyBLOG Gallery and ask them about their photography. The 22nd member to sit in the interview chair is Christopher Azzopardi.
What do you enjoy most about the Gallery?
The interface is user friendly and the members here are very encouraging.
Do you think being a Gallery member has helped improve your photography?
Yes, I can say that being a member of this site, my photography has improved quite a lot because so far I have always got constructive feedback.
What is your favourite kind of photography, and what is it that interests you so much?
There are three things that I like to photograph. These are: 1) people; 2) architecture; and 3) nature. My favourite medium is black and white.
What kind of equipment do use now, and what did you start with?
I started photography 2 and a half years ago. My first camera was a VistaCam Discovery LX. Three months later I bought a Nikon D70. My equipment consists of Nikon D70, Nikon 18-70mm lens, Sigma lens 70-300mm, Cosina 100mm manual macro lens, Manfrotto tripod, SB600 flashgun, and Portaflash 535.
Have you sold any of your Gallery photographs?
No, I have not sold any of my gallery photographs. I do photography just as a hobby and my style of photography is not commercial either.
What is the one piece of advice that you would give to other budding photographers?
To read a good deal about lighting and composition and then to experiment as much as possible.
You can see more of Christopher Azzopardi's photographs in this User Gallery.