Gallery Member Spotlight - pacificphoto

In the latest installment of this regular series, we cast the spotlight on members of the PhotographyBLOG Gallery and ask them about their photography. The 15th member to sit in the interview chair is pacificphoto.

What do you enjoy most about the Gallery?

It's fascinating fun, like opening Christmas presents every day. The skill level shown by many bloggers is first rate, fine art quality. Certainly could sell a book. Also, it's great to have an actual peer group with which to interact over a passion like photography.

Do you think being a Gallery member has helped improve your photography?

Without question. I now think much more about things such as horizon levels, extraneous objects, whether a subject is served best by monochrome or color, and any other factors. Also, when there comes an opportunity to share something I know with somebody else, it helps me re-learn the craft.

Macros are obviously your favourite topic - what is it that interests you so much?

I've never really thought of myself as a macro photographer, but I do enjoy it when the opportunity comes along. Very close attention to detail must be paid mind to in order to come away with a convincing image. Generally, however, I seek to capture a wide variety of imagery, practicing many different techniques.

What kind of equipment do use now, and what did you start with?

Currently I'm using a Canon Rebel XT (350D). I've got two lenses, an 18-55 kit zoom, and a 50mm 1.8. I only use polarizer filters, but that's just because I haven't bought others, not because I don't think they're useful. I started in 1981 with a Canon AE-1 Program film camera, and have gone through about 15 different film cameras and 3 different digital. Once I even had lights, umbrellas, backdrops, etc., but sold it all in a huff. I did some home darkroom work until the fumes really started hurting my lungs.

Have you sold any of your Gallery photographs?

No, but I've got a few of them on some stock sites, so I remain hopeful. My money-making photographic history was just a momentary thing when I took some portraits for a couple families and some graduation photos for a young lady. Photography as a career is high stress, and I need to keep the fun of a hobby for now.

If so, what has been your biggest sale?

48 million dollars--in my mind.

What is the one piece of advice that you would give to other budding photographers?

Try everything at least once, even if you don't think you like it. You may discover you've got a special talent for a particular area of the field that you can benefit from. Also, if you're saving for that expensive lens, but don't yet have a program like Photoshop, the program should come first.

You can see more of pacificphoto's photographs in this User Gallery.

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