Portfolios: Charlie Morey

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Bridal Veil Sunbeam

Bridal Veil Sunbeam

"Four decades of experience, rich in traditional photography, photojournalism, journalism, creative writing, graphic design and computer graphics has prepared self-taught digital artist Charlie Morey for his latest endeavor, producing fine art giclée prints based on computer-enhanced digital photographs and marketing them via the World Wide Web and other media.

Morey's photography experience began in 1965 with a second-hand 35mm Minolta viewfinder camera, purchased at a pawn shop in Bangor, Maine, and used to launch a 30-year period of creating fine-art black-and-white prints.

In 1974, a career change to journalism/photojournalism and an upgrade to Nikon SLR cameras further enhanced his visual experience, as the editorial position offered opportunities to travel and photograph much of Europe and segments of the Far East. Producing both images and words to describe his experiences for publication, Morey's depth of understanding and creative/emotional development increased manifold during the fast-paced 22-year period in print media.

In 1994, Charlie discovered the World Wide Web. In 1995, he launched CYBERpress Publishing Company, a web-development firm, and began applying his art to digital media, designing interfaces and creating content during the dot-com boom. In 1996, Morey left print media behind and began working fulltime for such companies as EarthLink Network, idealab!, Tickets.com and Mail2World to create the visual "front end" for their complex web systems.

He bought his first digital camera, a floppy-disk Sony Mavica MVC FD-91 with a resolution of less than one megapixel, in 2000 and created CYBERpress Galleries to display his work to the world. A year later, he upgraded to a higher-resolution Sony Mavica MVC CD-1000 and launched digitalphotography.tv, his current fine-art photography gallery complex and digital photography portal. And in September, 2002 he upgraded once again to a state-of-the-art Nikon D100 (just in time for his annual Maine Fall Foliage pilgrimage) to support his full commitment to the joy and business of creative photography."

Website: http://www.digitalphotography.tv

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