Portfolios: Pranay Harsh

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Pranay Harsh #1

Pranay Harsh #1

"These pictures were taken during a trip to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens in September, 2004. Most of the subjects are orchids found throughout the gardens. All the pictures were taken with a Canon PowerShot A80."


"My name is Pranay Harsh and I am currently a Computer Science student at The Georgia Institute of Technology. I haven’t ever pursued photography besides as a hobby but if I were given a chance, I would love to explore it in other ways. I first became interested in photography about 4 years and I initially started with a film SLR camera. Now, I mostly use a PowerShot A80 and the next obvious step is a dSLR (hopefully in the near future)."

Website: http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~gtg873h

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