Portfolios: Susan Kopecky

Clover Huller

Clover Huller


Iowa artist, Susan Kopecky has been involved in black and white, fine art photography for two decades. Her work has received national attention by being selected for numerous group exhibitions, with several images receiving awards, in galleries across the country. Kopecky continues to compete in national and international juried competitions. Her prints are held in numerous corporate collections, as well as private residences, throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Artist's Statement

Working with medium and large format cameras, I photograph subjects that evoke an emotional response in me. I strive to print the image the way it "felt" at the moment it was photographed rather than trying to replicate the way it appeared at that moment. My images are a combination of simplicity and emotional response. My photographs illustrate how I think and feel about the subjects that spark my curiosity. These images sing in a voice of highlights which rise from the depths of the shadows. How they sound to you may be completely different from how they sound to me. Whether or not we hear the same song is irrelevant since each individual ear has his, or her, own interpretation, and it is you who makes the final decision.


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