Portfolios: Birte Person

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Abstraction in Nature

Abstraction in Nature

"My portfolio is all of the same theme, the environment, which I have been involved with all my life, both through teaching and practising. I am retired now but am involved with the breeding of five rare species of frogs. Thus the mention of many ponds when listing my photos. These frogs are let go into areas where they used to be abundant but are now in such low numbers that they are almost extinct.All due to pollution and mans encroachment into their environment.

I live on the Sapphire Coast of Australia which is about 100 kilometers south of the Capital of New South Wales, Sydney.The area consist mainly of beaches and temperate rainforest.

I started photographing seriously in January 2004, because of age I am not able to do as much as I used to but doing this keeps my interest in the environment besides looking after the frogs.

I also love doing abstractions of nature, the things people do not normally see.

To sum it up I love nature but cringe when I look at the things being destroyed in the name of progress."

Website: https://www.photographyblog.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=500&ppuser=888

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