Aurora HDR 2018 Review

September 13, 2017 | Jon Canfield | Software Reviews | Rating star Rating star Rating star Rating star Half rating star

Lens Correction

Aurora HDR 2018

Aurora HDR 2018

If you need to fix distortion from your wide angle lens, the Lens Correction tool can help you with the common issues seen, from pin cushioning to chromatic aberration and vignetting. This doesn’t look to be as strong or specific as the adjustments in, say, Lightroom or Capture One. It isn’t specific to lenses, so you’ll need to make your adjustments manually. Still, it’s a useful and welcome addition to the tool set in Aurora HDR.

Transform Tool

Aurora HDR 2018

Aurora HDR 2018

Scale, rotate and even shift horizontally or vertically for the image you want. I find this one useful with the Lens Correction tool where you might have areas of the image that you don’t want in the final image.

Image Flip and Rotate

Great for when you didn’t get that horizon as straight as you thought, or you just want to get creative with your image.


There are a number of other enhancements in Aurora HDR 2018, but these are the key changes, and make what was already a very good tool even more useful. If you’re already using Aurora, you’ll definitely want to upgrade ($49). If you’re not using it yet, I suggest downloading the demo when it’s available, or better yet, take advantage of the pre-order $89 price. And, it looks like MacPhun is stepping up and donating $5 from each sale to help with hurricane relief.

4.5 stars

Ratings (out of 5)
Features 5
Ease-of-use 4
Value for money 4.5

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