Canon PowerShot SX220 HS Review

March 14, 2011 | Mark Goldstein | Rating star Rating star Rating star Rating star Half rating star


The Canon PowerShot SX220 HS camera is a new travel-zoom camera that replaces the SX210 model. There's a 14x, 28-392mm optical zoom lens with built-in image stabilizer, 12.1 megapixel back-illuminated CMOS sensor, 3 inch LCD screen with 460k-dot resolution, DIGIC 4 image processing engine, full 1080p HD Movie Mode with stereo sound and an HDMI output, and Smart Auto mode with Scene Detection Technology and an Easy mode for beginners. The Canon SX220 HS also offers a full range of manual exposure modes for more experienced photographers looking to take control, 8.1 fps burst shooting at 3 megapixel resolution, and a Super Slow Motion Movie mode. The new Canon PowerShot SX220 is priced at £269 and is available in purple or grey.

Ease of Use

At first glance the SX220 HS looks to be from exactly the same mould as its SX210 IS predecessor, but design-wise and operationally it's not an exact match. The build quality is the usual marriage of plastic and metal, with the PowerShot SX220 HS feeling sturdy enough when gripped in the palm to withstand the odd drop or knock in its inactive state. Curved edges make it appear less boxy and rectangular than it actually is. Whilst the camera is bigger than your average compact, it still just about fits into your pocket and is reasonably light too at 215g even with the memory card and battery inserted. Plus the modest additional bulk feels a fair compromise for that built-in zoom power, the lens extending an ungainly 2-inches from the body when at maximum 392mm equivalent telephoto setting.

The shooting mode wheel on the top right of the back plate features a plethora of options - 13 in total - with the sort of set up found on an entry-level DSLR in relation to its mixture of creative manual options, plus point and shoot modes for common subjects. Canon has here thoughtfully included an 'easy mode' in addition to the scene and subject recognizing Smart Auto - the former denoted by a camera with a heart icon that more usually denotes a 'favourites' setting. This disables pretty much everything in terms of user selectable shooting options and so allows for fuss free point and shoot operation.

This shooting mode dial is also where you'll find the camera's scene modes, some of which again mirror the kind of selections you'll find on the latest consumer DSLRs and Micro Four Thirds hybrids. As with the latest additions to the Olympus Pen series, here we get access to a diorama effect (which Canon has simplified on the function menu as 'miniature effect'), fast becoming this year's must have on-board feature, plus a perspective warping fisheye option. Further hand holding is provided by the Smart Shutter mode that as it sounds allows the shutter to be controlled with a smile or a wink - increasing the overall user-friendly feel and handy for when you want to include yourself in the picture.

Of course when you're given fun new tools such as the above effects, the overwhelming temptation is to go crazy with them. Certainly the tilt and shift lens-like 'miniature effect' that transforms friends and colleagues into the equivalent of toy soldiers is hard to resist. Plus, with a press of the 'display' button on the Canon's back plate followed by a toggle of the zoom switch on the top plate, users can go one further and precisely control the width of the portion of the image that is sharply in focus, leaving the rest artistically blurred.

Unfortunately such effects cannot also be used when recording movies - though users do have access to the 'My Colors' settings, including colour swap and colour accent for anyone wanting to experiment something visually different from the norm - even if the results do at times resemble an early 1990's grunge rock video. Smart Auto is deployed in movie mode, though, the camera referencing 18 different presets to find the most appropriate.

Canon PowerShot SX220 HS Canon PowerShot SX220 HS
Front Rear

Perhaps most usefully, the full extent of the 14x optical zoom can also be deployed when shooting movies, its ultra quiet transition meaning that the built-in microphone doesn't pick up operational buzzes - the usual reason for manufacturers disabling the zoom. Focus is automatically adjusted as the user zooms in or out, which, with no alternative manual adjustment ring, means the image can go soft for a moment or two before the camera locks on target. Canon states that Dynamic Image Stabilisation also kicks in when shooting video to ensure smooth tracking shots, of use when filming whilst walking for example. The SX220 HS records 1920x1080p Full HD movies at 24fps with stereo sound, making it one of the few compact cameras currently on the market to offer such good quality.

Ensuring swiftness of operation, Canon has included a Digic IV processor as found within its more grown up DSLRs. Otherwise the PowerShot SZX210 IS incorporates technology very similar to its other current non-super zoom IXUS and PowerShot compacts. As previously touched on, it features Smart Auto with Scene Detection Technology whereby the camera compares subjects with 22 on-board variables and selects the most appropriate for optimum results. Also making an appearance here are shadow detail enhancing i-Contrast, Smart Flash Exposure which adjusts flash levels according to prevailing conditions, plus Face Detection technology which can recognize up to a whopping 35 faces in a frame, whilst Face Self Timer allows you as photographer to join them before the shutter fires.

The SX220 HS sports a built-in flash of the pop up variety. Good, as this lessens the chance of red eye (with automatic red eye correction software further built-in as a belt and braces approach and selectable via the shooting menu folder). However, unlike competing models that present said flash when requested, the Canon's flash automatically pops up when the camera is initially switched on, whether you like it or not. This is inevitably slightly irritating if you don't actually intend to use it. Pressing it down and returning it to its dormant state naturally deactivates it, but at times it feels more like you're fighting with the camera than engaging seamlessly with it.

As expected, in the absence of any modest integral memory - something with which Canon has quietly stopped bothering with of late as resolutions have grown higher - captured pictures and movie clips are written to optional SD, SDHC or even higher capacity (up to 2TB) SDXC cards. As regards video, the ability is also provided for Eye-Fi transfer and the camcorder-like direct upload of videos to YouTube to keep the younger members of the family happy.

Though it offers a very extensive lens reach for a compact, the front of the SX220 HS is clean and unthreatening. We're provided with a smattering of style despite its plastic-y build by virtue of the different coloured top plate strip that continues down both sides of the camera and thus 'frames' the faceplate like the mantle of a fireplace. Though the slightly off-centre lens positioning inevitably dominates - the full physical extent of it hidden when the camera is in its dormant state - Canon has positioned a small window for a self timer/AF assist lamp to its top left. Top right of the lens, we find a tiny catch for manually activating the pop up flash via a fingernail if required. There are also two small holes either side of the lens for the stereo sound microphones.

Canon PowerShot SX220 HS Canon PowerShot SX220 HS
Side Front

The top plate strip is slightly more interesting. Looking at the SX220 HS from the rear we find the flash positioned over to the far left and neatly flush with the body when not in use and a built in speaker for playing back sound with clips. Over to the far right where it naturally falls under the forefinger of the right hand is the shutter release button. Apart from the rear plate shooting mode dial and scroll wheel it's the largest control here and has just the right amount of 'give' to enable users to determine a definite halfway point when pressed. Now encircling the shutter release button is a responsive rocker switch for operating the zoom - a nudge to the right zooming in, to the left zooming out.

The on/off button has been moved to the rear of the SX220 HS. Press this and the camera powers up in just over a second, rear LCD bursting into life, zoom extending to maximum wideangle setting and flash popping up nigh simultaneously so the camera is ready for action. With a half press of the shutter release button the camera takes a further second to determine focus and exposure, AF point/s highlighted in green with the customary beep of confirmation that focus and exposure has been determined and the user is free to pursue the shot. Go on to fire the shutter and a full resolution 12 megapixel image is committed to memory in a couple of seconds, the screen briefly blanking out before returning to the real-time scene before the lens. The amount of time the captured image appears on screen as a means of review can be altered via the menu folders.

The SX220 HS features an excellent 3-inch, 460k dot resolution widescreen format LCD at the rear that displays a 4:3 image ratio as its default setting. That's unless one is shooting HD movies with stereo sound, whereby the picture is automatically relayed in 16:9 ratio to more closely ape how it would appear when viewed on a desktop PC, or a flat panel telly. The High-speed Burst mode shoots at up to 8.1 shots/sec. albeit only at 3.0 megapixel resolution, while the Super Slow Motion Movie mode offers a great way to dramatically slow down fast-moving subjects, shooting at either 240 fps at 320x240 resolution or 120 fps at 640x480 pixels.

With approximately four fifths of the Canon's backplate taken up with the elongated widescreen format LCD, its operational controls are shunted over to the far right. Starting at the top, we have the circular on/off button and a penny-sized shooting mode wheel with ridged edge enabling a more definite purchase and nicely solid feel. This rigidity ensures it clicks into place for each setting in such a way that it is hard to accidentally slip from one option to another when fetching the camera out of a pocket or camera bag. The 13 strong options here comprise Smart Auto and Easy Auto modes as discussed, plus the creative quartet of Program, Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority and Manual shooting settings.

For the point and shoot brigade the SX220 HS has further easy access pre-optimised modes for portraits and landscapes, along with a kids and pets mode. All of the other scene modes setting are grouped together under the Scene option, and there's also a new Effects mode and last on the dial the movie shooting option. That said, users don't have to actually be in movie mode to commence filming - a press of the dedicated recording button lets video capture commence as a handy short cut. A new addition to the shooting mode dial is the Movie Digest option. This captures up to 4-seconds of the action before a shot is taken, then joining all the clips together from the same day into a single VGA movie, which creates a time-lapse movie overview.

Going back to Effects mode for a second, this is where you find the Canon's nifty effects settings. To access these, first set the mode dial and then press the 'function/set' button in the middle of the scroll wheel/command dial near the camera's base. A familiar (to Canon users at least) toolbar of options is then presented at the left hand side of the LCD. The first option you come to is record mode, and this is where the Fisheye, Miniature, Toy Camera, Monochrome, Super Vivid, Poster, Colour accent and Colour swap effects 'live'. A live preview of each one is handily shown on screen so you don't even have to take a picture to see what the results of each effect will be.

Canon PowerShot SX220 HS Canon PowerShot SX220 HS
Memory Card Slot Battery Compartment

In the Scene mode, users are presented with the Smart Shutter mode which as it sounds allows the shutter to be controlled with a smile or a wink - increasing the overall user-friendly feel and handy for when you want to include yourself in the picture. There's also the High-speed Burst mode, Best Image Selection, Handheld NightScene, Low Light, Beach, Underwater, Foliage, Snow, Fireworks and Stitch Assist Panorama options. By moving up or down the same toolbar the likes of white balance can be manually adjusted, the Canon proprietary 'My Colors' effects turned on or off, and quality settings further adjusted for shooting both stills and video.

Below the shooting mode dial are the aforementioned one-touch video record button, and next to it the identically sized replay/playback button. These two self-explanatory controls sit above the command/dial scroll wheel, which, unusually, is free from external markings. Yet give it a press and a virtual dial appears on screen with the formerly hidden settings now revealed. It's here alterations can be made to flash settings, as well as those for self timer, auto, close up (to 5cm from a subject) or manual focus, plus exposure compensation (+/- 2EV). In manual focus mode a distance slider appears at the right of the screen, adjustable with a swivel of the scroll wheel (so it's a bit fiddly), rather than more intuitively tabbing up or down. Any changes to the status quo are naturally effected with a press of the central function/set button as previously described.

We'd have liked Canon to have found room for a dedicated delete button here or somewhere else on the camera back. As it is, no less than six button presses are required before a duff shot can be deleted. Such tediousness seems to go against the ease of use ethos deployed elsewhere in the camera's operational arsenal.

The bottom pairing of buttons on the SX220 HS' back meanwhile are for the self explanatory 'display' and 'menu'; press the former and on-screen shooting information is either turned off or summoned up. Via the menu screens, users can also activate compositional grid lines or opt to present an image with grey bars cropping the default 4:3 presented ratio to a 3:2 ratio equivalent if so desired. Subsequently a press of the 'menu' button itself brings up two folders - the first containing the shooting menu - it's here users can activate the likes of the iContrast setting - the second the standard set up menu.

The right hand flank of the camera - if continuing to view it from the back - is where you'll find HDMI connectivity under a plastic port cover attached via a rather flimsy rubber catch. This is the port allowing the camera to be hooked up to a flat panel TV once you've purchased the relevant cable, and is presented adjacent to a second more traditional AV/USB out port. Under this compartment there's a plastic lug for attaching the wrist strap provided in the box. Underneath a side open catch and door at the base of the SX220 HS there's another dual compartment - with a slot for media card plus the provided rechargeable battery, good for a so-so 210 shots from a full charge, 50 less than its predecessor.

Though it does have a couple of operational quirks - the flash popping up automatically on power up whether you'd previously deactivated it or not, plus the multiple button presses needed to actually delete something - we found the SX220 HS' good points outweighed the bad and that it is, all things considered, fun to use. Of course, build and handling aside, image quality is ultimately what counts, so we're interested to see how the Canon performs on that count.

Image Quality

All of the sample images in this Review were taken using the 12 megapixel Fine JPEG setting, which gives an average image size of around 3Mb.

The Canon PowerShot SX220 HS produces images of very good quality. It recorded noise-free images at ISO 100, 200 and 400, with some noise and slight colour desaturation at ISO 800. ISO 1600 shows more obvious noise and loss of colour but still remains perfectly usable, and even the fastest setting of ISO 3200 doesn't suffer too badly.

The Canon PowerShot SX220 HS handled chromatic aberrations well, with limited purple fringing effects appearing only in high contrast situations and generally at the edges of the frame. The built-in flash worked well indoors, with no red-eye and good overall exposure. The night photograph was excellent, with the maximum shutter speed of 15 seconds being long enough for most after-dark shots.

Anti-shake works very well when hand-holding the camera in low-light conditions or when using the telephoto end of the zoom range. Macro performance is good, allowing you to focus as close as 5cms away from the subject. The images were a little soft straight out of the Canon PowerShot SX220 HS at the default sharpening setting and ideally require some further sharpening in an application like Adobe Photoshop, or you can change the in-camera setting.


There are 6 ISO settings available on the Canon Powershot SX220 HS. Here are some 100% crops which show the noise levels for each ISO setting:

ISO 100 (100% Crop)

ISO 200 (100% Crop)


ISO 400 (100% Crop)

ISO 800 (100% Crop)


ISO 1600 (100% Crop)

ISO 3200 (100% Crop)


Here are two 100% crops which have been Saved as Web - Quality 50 in Photoshop. The right-hand image has had some sharpening applied in Photoshop. The out-of-the camera images are a little soft at the default setting ideally and benefit from some further sharpening in a program like Adobe Photoshop. You can also change the in-camera sharpening level to suit your tastes via the My Colors menu option.

Original (100% Crop)

Sharpened (100% Crop)


Focal Range

The Canon Powershot SX220 HS' 14x zoom lens provides a versatile focal length of 28-392mm in 35mm terms, as demonstrated below.



File Quality

The Canon Powershot SX220 HS has 2 different image quality settings available, with Fine being the highest quality option. Here are some 100% crops which show the quality of the various options, with the file size shown in brackets.

12M Fine (2.76Mb) (100% Crop) 12M Normal (1.24Mb) (100% Crop)

Chromatic Aberrations

The Canon Powershot SX220 HS handled chromatic aberrations excellently during the review, with limited purple fringing present around the edges of objects in certain high-contrast situations, as shown in the example below.

Example 1 (100% Crop)


The Canon Powershot SX220 HS offers a Macro setting that allows you to focus on a subject that is 5cms away from the camera when the lens is set to wide-angle. The first image shows how close you can get to the subject (in this case a compact flash card). The second image is a 100% crop.

Macro Shot

100% Crop


The flash settings on the Canon Powershot SX220 HS are Auto, Flash On, Slow Synchro, and Flash Off, with Red-eye Correction and Red-Eye Lamp settings available via the Flash Settings main menu option. These shots of a white coloured wall were taken at a distance of 1.5m.

Flash Off - Wide Angle (28mm)

Auto Flash - Wide Angle (28mm)

ISO 64 ISO 64

Flash Off - Telephoto (392mm)

Auto Flash - Telephoto (392mm)

ISO 64 ISO 64

And here are some portrait shots. As you can see, neither the Flash On setting or the Red-Eye Correction option caused any red-eye.

Flash On

Flash On (100% Crop)

Red-eye Correction

Red-eye Correction (100% Crop)

Night Shot

The Canon Powershot SX220 HS's maximum shutter speed is 15 seconds in the Long Shutter mode, which is good news if you're seriously interested in night photography. The shot below was taken using a shutter speed of 15 seconds at ISO 100. I've included a 100% crop of the image to show what the quality is like. The camera takes the same amount of time again to apply noise reduction, so for example at the 15 second setting the actual exposure takes 30 seconds.

Night Shot

Night Shot (100% Crop)

Anti Shake

The Canon Powershot SX220 HS has an anti-shake mechanism, which allows you to take sharp photos at slower shutter speeds than other digital cameras. To test this, I took 2 handheld shots of the same subject with the same settings. The first shot was taken with anti shake turned off, the second with it turned on. Here are some 100% crops of the images to show the results. As you can see, with anti shake turned on, the images are much sharper than with anti shake turned off. This feature really does seem to make a difference and could mean capturing a successful, sharp shot or missing the opportunity altogether.

Shutter Speed / Focal Length

Anti Shake Off (100% Crop)

Anti Shake On (100% Crop)

1/10 sec / 28mm
1/4 sec / 392mm

Sample Images

As of February 2025, we are no longer providing full size sample images or videos for download.

Please contact us if you have any feedback on our new policy.

Product Images

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Front of the Camera

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Front of the Camera / Turned On

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Isometric View

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Isometric View

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Rear of the Camera

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Rear of the Camera / Image Displayed

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Rear of the Camera / Image Info

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Rear of the Camera / Main Menu

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Rear of the Camera / Function Menu


Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Top of the Camera

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Bottom of the Camera

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Side of the Camera

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Side of the Camera

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Front of the Camera

Canon Powershot SX220 HS

Front of the Camera

Canon Powershot SX220 HS
Memory Card Slot
Canon Powershot SX220 HS
Battery Compartment


The Canon PowerShot SX220 HS improves on the previous SX210 model primarily by offering more features at a cheaper price. In particular the use of a backilluminated sensor and addition of full 1080p HD movies makes the new SX220 a more than competent all-in-one camera for both photos and video.

Coming in at a full £90 cheaper than the SX210 on launch, and £30 less than its bigger brother, the SX230 HS, this model definitely strikes the right balance in terms of price versus performance. It may not offer the built-in GPS of the SX230, but in all other regards it's identical, so if you don't feel the need to map your photographic progress, the SX220 is definitely the one to opt for.

It may be larger than most compacts, but once you've become used to a camera with such a broad focal range that it's possible to frame up subjects near or far in pretty much an instant, it's a real drag to go back to your common-or-garden 3x zoom snapper, the usual 'family friendly' tool of choice. The larger physical size (over, say, a slimline IXUS) also means that children and the elderly should find this offering easier to grip and operate than the latest credit card sized camera alternative. And even with bigger than average dimensions it's still a more portable option than any DSLR or Micro Four Thirds or rival system hybrid for those looking for an able travel companion.

Image quality is slightly improved on the previous SX210, that is to say excellent. The employment of a back-illuminated sensor helps the SX220 to perform well in low light, with a usable ISO range of 100-800 and even the higher settings proving adequate for web use and smaller prints. The inclusion of full manual controls makes SX220 HS as well suited to more experienced users looking for a compact alternative to their DSLR as it is the beginner, although as you'd perhaps expect there is no raw format support to sweeten the deal further.

The new Canon PowerShot SX220 HS is a more sensibly priced and better-specced challenger to the market-leading Panasonic TZ-series, going head to head with the TZ18, which it actually betters on paper in quite a few aspects. Judged on its own merits, the Canon PowerShot SX220 HS is a strong recommendation as a travel zoom camera that does it all with the minimum of fuss.

4.5 stars

Ratings (out of 5)
Design 4
Features 4.5
Ease-of-use 4
Image quality 4.5
Value for money 4


Type 1/2.3 type back-illuminated CMOS
Effective Pixels Approx. 12.1M
Colour Filter Type Primary Colour
Type DIGIC 4 with iSAPS technology
Focal Length 5.0 – 70.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 28 – 392 mm)
Zoom Optical 14x. Digital Approx. 4.0x (with Digital Tele-Converter Approx. 1.5x or 2.0x and Safety Zoom¹). Combined Approx. 56x
Maximum f/number f/3.1 – f/5.9
Construction 12 elements in 10 groups (1 UD lens, 1 double-sided aspherical lens, 1 single-sided aspherical UA lens)
Image Stabilisation Yes (lens shift-type), 4-stop. Dynamic IS (in Movie)
Type TTL
AF System/ Points Face Detection, 1-point AF (fixed to centre)
AF Modes Single, Continuous (only available in Auto mode), Servo AF/AE¹, Tracking AF
AF Point Selection Size (Normal, Small)
AF Lock On/Off Selectable
AF Assist Beam Yes
Manual Focus Yes
Closest Focusing Distance 5 cm (W) from front of lens in macro
Metering modes Evaluative (linked to Face Detection AF frame), Centre-weighted average, Spot (Centre)
AE Lock On/Off Selectable
Exposure Compensation +/- 2 EV in 1/3 stop increments
Enhanced i-Contrast for automatic dynamic range correction
ISO sensitivity* AUTO, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200
Speed 1 – 1/3200 sec. (factory default)
15 – 1/3200 sec. (total range – varies by shooting mode)
Type TTL
Settings Auto (including Face Detection WB), Daylight, Cloudy, Tungsten, Fluorescent, Fluorescent H, Underwater, Custom
Monitor 7.5 cm (3.0”) PureColor II G (TFT), 16:9 aspect ratio, Approx. 461,000 dots
Coverage Approx. 100%
Brightness Adjustable to one of five levels. Quick-bright LCD
Modes Auto, Manual Flash On / Off, Slow Synchro
Slow Sync Speed Yes. Fastest speed 1/2000 sec.
Red-Eye Reduction Yes
Flash Exposure Compensation +/- 2 EV in 1/3 stop increments. Face Detection FE, Safety FE, Smart Flash Exposure
Flash Exposure Lock Yes
Manual Power Adjustment 3 levels with internal flash
Built-in Flash Range 75 cm – 3.5 m (W) / 1.0 m – 2.0 m (T)
External Flash Canon High Power Flash HF-DC1
Modes Smart Auto (32 scenes detected), Program AE, Shutter priority AE, Aperture priority AE, Manual, Easy, Movie Digest, Portrait, Landscape, Kids & Pets, Smart Shutter (Smile, Wink Self-Timer, FaceSelf-Timer), High-speed Burst (3.0MP), Best Image Selection (3.0MP), Handheld Night Scene, Low Light (3.0MP), Creative Filter (Fish-eye Effect, Miniature Effect, Toy Camera Effect, Monochrome, Super Vivid, Poster Effect, Color Accent, Color Swap), Beach, Underwater, Foliage, Snow, Fireworks, Stitch Assist
Modes in Movie Smart Auto (21 scenes detected), Program AE, Portrait, Landscape, Miniature Effect, Monochrome, Super Vivid, Poster Effect, Color Accent, Color Swap, Beach, Underwater, Foliage, Snow, Fireworks, iFrame Movie, Super Slow Motion Movie
Photo Effects My Colors (My Colors Off, Vivid, Neutral, Sepia, Black & White, Positive Film, Lighter Skin Tone, Darker Skin Tone, Vivid Blue, Vivid Green, Vivid Red, Custom Color)
Drive modes Single, Continuous, Continuous with AF, Self-Timer
Continuous Shooting Approx. 3.2 shots/sec.¹, AF: Approx. 0.8 shots/sec.¹, LV: Approx. 1.0 shots/sec.¹, High-speed Burst (3.0MP): Approx. 8.1 shots/sec.¹, (until memory card becomes full)²
Image Size 4:3 - (L) 4000 x 3000, (M1) 2816 x 2112, (M2) 1600 x 1200, (S) 640 x 480
16:9 - (L) 4000 x 2248, (M1) 2816 x 1584, (M2) 1920 x 1080, (S) 640 x 360
3:2 - (L) 4000 x 2664, (M1) 2816 x 1880, (M2) 1600 x 1064, (S) 640 x 424
1:1 - (L) 2992 x 2992, (M1) 2112 x 2112, (M2) 1200 x 1200, (S) 480 x 480
Resize in playback (M2, S, XS)
*XS is half the length and width of S
Compression Fine, Normal
Movies (Full HD) 1920 x 1080, 24 fps, (HD) 1280 x 720, 30 fps, (L) 640 x 480, 30 fps, (M) 320 x 240, 30 fps
Super Slow Motion Movie (L) 120fps, (M) 240fps
Miniature Effect (HD, L) 6fps, 3fps, 1.5 fps
iFrame Movie (HD)
Movie Length (Full HD & HD) Up to 4 GB or 29 min. 59 sec.¹
(L and M) Up to 4 GB or 1 hour²
(Super Slow Motion Movie) 30 sec.
Still Image Type JPEG compression, (Exif 2.3 [Exif Print] compliant) / Design rule for Camera File system, Digital Print Order Format [DPOF] Version 1.1 compliant
Movies MOV [H.264 + Linear PCM (stereo)]
Canon Printers Canon SELPHY Compact Photo Printers and Canon Inkjet Printers supporting PictBridge (ID Photo Print, Fixed Size Print and Movie Print supported on SELPHY CP & ES printers only)
PictBridge Yes
Red-Eye Correction Yes, during shooting and playback
My Camera / My Menu Start-up image and camera sounds customisation
My Category Image tagging feature
Intelligent Orientation Sensor Yes
Histogram Yes
Playback zoom Approx. 2x – 10x
Self Timer Approx. 2 or 10 sec., Custom
Menu Languages English, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Chinese (traditional), Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Korean, Greek, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Turkish, Thai, Arabic, Ukrainian, Romanian, Farsi
Computer Hi-Speed USB (MTP, PTP) dedicated connector (Mini-B compatible)
Other HDMI Mini Connector (HDMI-CEC compatible) A/V output (PAL/NTSC)
Type SD, SDHC, SDXC, MMC, MMCplus, HCMMCplus
PC & Macintosh Windows 7/ Vista SP1-2/ XP SP3
Mac OS X v10.5 – 10.6
Browsing & Printing ZoomBrowser EX / ImageBrowser
Other PhotoStitch
Batteries Rechargeable Li-ion Battery NB-5L (battery and charger supplied)
Battery life Approx. 210 shots¹
Approx. 240 min. playback
A/C Power Supply Optional, AC Adapter Kit ACK-DC30
Cases / Straps Soft Case DCC-1500
Waterproof / Weatherproof Case Waterproof Case (40m) WP-DC42
Waterproof Case Weight WW-DC1
Flash High Power Flash HF-DC1
Power Supply & Battery Chargers AC Adapter Kit ACK-DC30
Other Canon HDMI Cable HTC-100
Operating Environment 0 – 40 °C, 10 – 90% humidity
Dimensions (WxHxD) 105.7 x 59.3 x 33.2 mm
Weight Approx. 215 g (including battery/batteries and memory card)

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