Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR Review

March 18, 2009 | Mark Goldstein | Rating star Rating star Rating star Rating star Half rating star


The Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR is the successor to the F100fd, replacing it as the top-of-the-range model in the popular F-Series compact camera range. The F200EXR offers a new 12 megapixel, 1/1.6-inch Super CCD EXR sensor, which promises to turn the world of pocket cameras on its head. The F200EXR is essentially three kinds of camera in one, offering three selectable modes in one sensor. One mode captures the highest resolution possible, another the lowest noise, and the third the most dynamic range. Other standout features of the Finepix F200EXR include a 5x wide-angle optical zoom lens (28-140mm equivalent) with a CCD-shift dual image stabilisation system, 3 inch LCD screen, Face Detection 3.0 technology, Super Intelligent Flash mode for flash-assisted macro shots, self-explanatory Portrait Enhancer mode, and ISO settings of up to ISO 12800. The F200EXR also reinstates creative exposure modes in the form of aperture-priority and full manual, making it more appealing to the keen shutterbug. With a launch price of $399.95 / £329.99, we find out if the Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR really is the revolutionary compact camera that Fujifilm is claiming it to be.

Ease of Use

The Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR is a fairly compact digital camera that just fits into the palm of your hand. With dimensions of 97.7(W)× 58.9(H)× 23.4(D) mm and weighing 175g, this is a camera that you can slip into a pocket or small bag and not notice until you need to use it. It's externally very similar to the previous F100fd model, with the same 5x, wide-angle 28-140mm lens, and very subtle curves on the top, left and right of the metal camera body. The Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR is quite pleasing on the eye, with either a champagne or more serious black colour scheme and a rounded, compact appearance, and it retains the excellent overall finish that we've come to expect from Fujifilm Finepix F-series cameras.

The Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR is a little more tricky to hold than it really should be, with your right thumb naturally positioned on the new round Mode Dial on the back of the camera, and no handgrip at all on the front. Your right forefinger is then free to operate the shutter button and the tactile zoom lever, which surrounds the shutter button. Thankfully, despite the smooth all-plastic body, the camera is not too slippy when gripping it. The various buttons are well-made and easy to operate, and the camera feels well-balanced in your hands. There are no real innovative features here, but everything that the Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR does, it does well. Overall the Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR is well constructed and designed with no obvious signs of corners being cut - even the tripod socket is centrally located.

The Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR has relatively few external controls, just 10 in total, although it does offer a much wider range of photographic controls than the F100fd. All 10 external controls are clearly labeled using industry-standard symbols and terminology. You can set the flash, macro, self-timer and exposure compensation options by clicking on the four buttons around the navigation pad. As with most other digital cameras, the Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR has a Menu/OK button in the centre of the navigation pad which, as you would expect, gives you access to the main software menu system. This lets you set various parameters including auto-focus, metering, continuous mode, image stabilisation, plus the Setup menu, which offers 19 options that you will probably set once and then forget about. There is also a small button above the navigation pad marked "F", which opens what Fujifilm call the F-Mode menu. This allows you to set the ISO speed, dynamic range, image size, image quality, white balance, and the new film simulation mode. None of these are replicated in the main menu. Due to the large LCD screen, the various options and icons are perfectly easy to read.

Canon PowerShot A2100 IS Canon PowerShot A2100 IS
Front Rear

The most radical addition to the Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR's design is the new Mode Dial. On the F100fd you had to dip into the menu system to change the camera's shooting mode, but it's now much faster to do this on the F200EXR. The 8 modes are Auto, EXR, Program/Aperture Priority, Manual, Movie, Scene, Natural Light, and Natural Light & Flash. The Mode Dial has a fairly positive action, but I did get caught out on a couple of occasions when it had been inadvertently moved to the wrong position whilst stored in a pocket.

Fujifilm have thankfully seen the proverbial light and reinstated some advanced exposure modes which were missing from the F100fd. The Program setting on the Mode Dial can be toggled between Program and Aperture-Priority in the main menu, although disappointingly there are just two f-stops available in aperture-priority, wide-open f/3.3 and stopped-down f/9. There's also a Manual mode which lets you set both the shutter speed and the aperture, although again there's only the same two aperture settings to choose from. The aperture is set by pressing up and down on the navigation pad, and the shutter speed by pressing left and right. A simple horizontal line in the bottom-right of the LCD screen helps you to set the correct exposure. Note that there is no dedicated shutter-priority mode.

The new EXR shooting mode is by far the F200EXR's most exciting, headline-grabbing feature. There are three different EXR options. Resolution Priority (HR) mode uses all 12 megapixels to capture the highest resolution image, much like any other camera. High ISO & Low Noise (SN) mode combines adjacent pixels to create larger photodiodes and improve low-light quality, producing a 6 megapixel image that makes dark scenes as bright and detailed as possible with minimal noise. D-Range Priority (DR) mode simultaneously takes two images at different exposures and then combines them to produce a single 6 megapixel image with increased dynamic range (up to 800%), preserving detail in the shadow and highlight areas that would otherwise be lost. If you can't decide between the three modes, EXR Auto will automatically select the correct one for the current scene. In practice, EXR Auto picked the mode that I personally would have chosen about 90% of the time, so you can safely leave the F200EXR on this setting and not worry about having to keep changing the EXR mode.

You can see the results of using the the different EXR modes for yourself on the Image Quality page. There is a side-by side comparison of the ISO speeds in Resolution Priority (HR) and High ISO & Low Noise (SN) mode, two examples which were shot using each EXR mode, with links to the original full size images, 100% crops and histograms, and an example which was shot using D-Range Priority (DR) mode at each % level, with links to the original full size images and histograms. Setting the camera to High ISO & Low Noise Mode produces slightly less noisy images at each equivalent setting, but the image resolution drops to 6 megapixels, the range is only 100-1600, and to be honest the difference between the two modes isn't as pronounced as we'd have hoped. The D-Range Priority (DR) mode is much more successful, resulting in images that have noticeably more dynamic range that those shot in the Resolution Priority (HR) mode, and far surpassing other compact cameras. If you want to shoot images that retain detail in both the highlight and shadow areas, this mode and this camera are made for you.

Canon PowerShot A2100 IS Canon PowerShot A2100 IS
Front Top

The Natural Light mode forces the F200EXR to select a fast shutter speed in order to freeze subject movement more effectively, whilst setting a fast ISO speed without firing the flash for more natural results. It's an effective automatic way of taking photos of children indoors, for example. Natural Light and Flash is a little more exciting. When selected, the camera instantly takes 2 photos, one with flash, one without, giving you the option of which one to choose later (both are saved by the camera). The infra-red port on top of the camera allows you to send or receive images (but not movies) to another Fujifilm camera or device with high-speed IR capability. Transmission distance is 5-20cm within a 20 degree angle. Note that the camera compresses the image so that it doesn't take too long to transmit.

The other noteworthy change on the rear of the camera is the slightly larger 3 inch LCD screen, a nice upgrade to the F100fd's 2.7 inch screen, but which still only has an adequate 230,000 dots. The LCD monitor now has a glossy finish which tends to show fingerprints, and it's also slightly recessed, which should lead to fewer scratches. There is no optical viewfinder on the Finepix F200EXR, leading to a few moments of frustration in very bright sunlight when it can be difficult to see the image on the monitor clearly. Overall the camera body feels very well-designed and not at all cluttered, despite the presence of the large 3 inch LCD screen.

The Face Detection function is accessed via a dedicated button below the navigation pad. This feature is a welcome one that works well in the right situations. It's really best for posed group shots where your subject(s) is standing still at a moderate distance, but it also works if the subject is moving quickly or has their head turned sideways or even upside down. Movement tracking keeps the camera 'locked on' to its subjects until they move out of the picture. Face Detection 3 detects up to 10 faces and is faster and more accurate than the previous iteration, especially with subjects that aren't looking directly at the camera, and also has the added benefit of also offering red-eye reduction if you require it.

Canon PowerShot A2100 IS Canon PowerShot A2100 IS
EXR Mode EXR Mode

Fujifilm have included an image stabilisation system on the F200EXR. Activated via the Dual IS Mode menu option, you can set the system to On, Off or Preview. The F200EXR's image stabilisation system uses a combination of mechanical CCD-shift and the use of high sensitivity settings of up to ISO 6400 to help keep shutter speeds high enough to avoid subject blur in low light conditions. Note that the camera will only automatically adjust the ISO speed when using the Auto shooting mode - in the other modes the ISO speed that you select will always be used, so only the mechanical CCD-shift part of the system is used. In practice I found that it does make a noticeable difference, as shown in the examples on the Image Quality page. You don't notice that the camera is actually doing anything different when anti-shake is turned on, just that you can use slower shutter speeds than normal and still take sharp photos.

The new Film Simulation setting is a throw-back to the days of film. Remember that? I doubt if most F200EXR purchasers do, yet Fujifilm still persist in referring back to their film past. There are five Film Simulation options - Provia, Velvia, Astia, Black & White and Sepia - with the first three supposedly mimicking the natural tones of Provia, vivid colors of Velvia, and the soft tones of Astia. Perhaps recognising that most users won't know what Provia, Velvia, Astia actually signify, the F200EXR also helpfully calls them Standard, Vivid and Soft. Film Simulation can also be used in combination with other shooting modes too, including EXR, so you can shoot a black and white image in D-Range Priority mode, for example.

Super Intelligent Flash is a rather grandiose sounding feature that is a little more specialised that its name suggests. It essentially throttles down the flash when taking macro shots, so that the subject isn't over-exposed by a blinding white light. Integrated into the Auto shooting mode, in practice it does produce quite effective close up shots that don't suffer from over-exposure, and which exhibit much less camera-shake when you're shooting hand-held (although ideally you should use a tripod for ultimate sharpness).

Canon PowerShot A2100 IS Canon PowerShot A2100 IS
Memory Card Slot Battery Compartment

If you have never used a digital camera before, or you're upgrading from a more basic model, reading the comprehensive and fairly easy-to-follow manual before you start is a good idea. Unfortunately Fujifilm have chosen to cut costs and only supply the full manual as a PDF on a CD, rather than in printed format (there's just a short printed guide to the camera's basic features). Not much use if you're taking pictures and need to find out what a particular option does. The F200EXR's battery-life is a little disappointing, with the camera only managing 150 shots using the supplied NP-50 Li-ion battery, meaning that you'll need to carry a spare with you for day-trips.

The start-up time from turning the Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR on to being ready to take a photo is quite quick at around 2 seconds, and it takes about 1.5 seconds to zoom from the widest focal length to the longest. Focusing is very quick in good light and the camera achieves focus most of the time indoors or in low-light situations, helped by a powerful focus-assist lamp. In the normal shooting mode it takes a snappy 0.5 second to store an image, with a very brief LCD blackout during which you can't take another picture. In Continuous mode the camera takes 1.4 frames per second at the highest image quality, not particularly quick, and it's limited to only 3 frames. There is a mode that allows you to take an unlimited number of frames, but only at 0.5 sec. intervals. All in all the Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR is fairly quick in terms of operational speed.

Once you have captured a photo, the Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR has a good range of options when it comes to playing, reviewing and managing your images. You can instantly scroll through the images that you have taken, view thumbnails (up to 100 on the same screen!), zoom in and out, sort images by date, view slideshows with lots of different settings, delete, protect, trim, and rotate an image. You can also add a sound clip to an image, transmit an image to another camera via infra-red, remove red-eye, resize for blogging, and set the print order and the transfer order. The Display button toggles detailed settings information about each picture on and off, such as the ISO rating and aperture/shutter speed. Disappointingly there is still no histogram available either in shooting or playback mode.

In summary the Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR is very much like its predecessor, the F100fd. This is a well-built, easy-to-use digital camera with a refined and stylish design, which benefits from restoring its manual shooting modes, but most of all from the addition of the very effective and refreshingly innovative EXR technology.

Image Quality

All of the sample images in this Review were taken using the 12 megapixel Fine JPEG setting, which gives an average image size of around 4.5Mb.

The Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR produced images of excellent quality during the review period. The 12 megapixel sensor produces noise-free images at ISO 100 and 200, with some limited noise starting to appear at ISO 400. ISO 800 exhibits fairly visible noise and loss of fine detail but is still very usable, while ISO 1600 and 3200 are even noisier. The fastest but reduced-resolution settings of ISO 6400 and 12800 aren't really worth using. Setting the camera to EXR - High ISO & Low Noise Mode produces slightly less noisy images at each equivalent setting, but the image resolution drops to 6 megapixels, the range is only 100-1600, and to be honest the difference between the two modes isn't as pronounced as we'd have hoped. The D-Range Priority (DR) mode is much more successful, resulting in images that have noticeably more dynamic range that those shot in the Resolution Priority (HR) mode, and far surpassing other compact cameras. If you want to shoot images that retain detail in both the highlight and shadow areas, this mode and this camera are made for you. The F200EXR dealt extremely well with chromatic aberrations, with limited purple fringing effects appearing only in high contrast situations. The pop-up flash worked well indoors, with no red-eye and adequate exposure. The wide-angle lens did exhibit obvious barrel distortion at the 28mm setting. The night photograph was good, with the maximum shutter speed of 8 seconds allowing you to capture enough light in most situations. Anti-shake works very well when hand-holding the camera in low-light conditions or when using the 140mm telephoto end of the 5x zoom range. Macro performance is merely average, allowing you to focus as close as 5cms away from the subject. The images were a little soft straight out of the camera and ideally require further sharpening in an application like Adobe Photoshop, as you can't change the in-camera setting if you don't like the default results.


There are 8 ISO settings available on the Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR. Here are some 100% crops which show the noise levels for each ISO setting. On the right are 100% crops showing the ISO range of the EXR - High ISO & Low Noise mode, which captures 6 megapixel images from a more limited ISO range of 100-1600.

Program Mode EXR - High ISO & Low Noise Mode

ISO 100 (100% Crop)

ISO 100 (100% Crop)


ISO 200 (100% Crop)

ISO 200 (100% Crop)


ISO 400 (100% Crop)

ISO 400 (100% Crop)


ISO 800 (100% Crop)

ISO 800 (100% Crop)


ISO 1600 (100% Crop)

ISO 1600 (100% Crop)


ISO 3200 (100% Crop)


ISO 6400 (100% Crop)


ISO 12800 (100% Crop)


EXR Mode

The Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR's offers three EXR options. Resolution Priority (HR) mode uses all 12 megapixels to capture the highest resolution image. High ISO & Low Noise (SN) mode combines adjacent pixels to create larger photodiodes and improve low-light quality. D-Range Priority (DR) mode simultaneously takes two images and then combines them to produce an image with increased dynamic range. Here are 2 examples which were shot using each EXR mode, with links to the original full size images, 100% crops and histograms.


Example 1


Resolution Priority (HR)

High ISO & Low Noise (SN)

D-Range Priority (DR)

Full Size Image

Full Size Image

Full Size Image


100% Crop

100% Crop

100% Crop







Example 2


Resolution Priority (HR)

High ISO & Low Noise (SN)

D-Range Priority (DR)

Full Size Image

Full Size Image

Full Size Image


100% Crop

100% Crop

100% Crop





Dynamic Range

When the Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR is in EXR - D-Range Priority (DR) mode, you can set the Dynamic Range to either 100%, 200%, 400% or 800%, or Auto.

When the camera is in the Program / Aperture-priority or Manual shooting modes, you can set the Dynamic Range to between 100%, 200% or 400%, but the full range is only available if the ISO speed is also increased (ISO 100 only allows 100%, ISO 200 allows 100% and 200%, and ISO 400 allows 100%, 200% and 400%).

Here is an example which was shot using EXR - D-Range Priority (DR) mode at each % level, with links to the original full size images and histograms.



Full Size Image

Full Size Image







Full Size Image

Full Size Image





Here are two 100% crops which have been Saved as Web - Quality 50 in Photoshop. The right-hand image has had some sharpening applied in Photoshop. The out-of-the camera images are a little soft and ideally benefit from some further sharpening in a program like Adobe Photoshop. You can't change the in-camera sharpening level.

Original (100% Crop)

Sharpened (100% Crop)


Chromatic Aberrations

The Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR handled chromatic aberrations excellently during the review, with very limited purple fringing present around the edges of objects in certain high-contrast situations, as shown in the example below.

Example 1 (100% Crop)


The Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR offers a Macro setting that allows you to focus on a subject that is 5cms away from the camera when the lens is set to wide-angle. The first image shows how close you can get to the subject (in this case a compact flash card). The second image is a 100% crop.

Macro Shot

100% Crop


The flash settings on the Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR are Auto, Forced Flash, Suppressed Flash, Slow Synchro, Red-eye Reduction Auto, Red-eye Reduction & Forced Flash and Red-eye Reduction & Slow Synchro. These shots of a white coloured wall were taken at a distance of 1.5m.

Suppressed Flash - Wide Angle (28mm)

Forced Flash - Wide Angle (28mm)

ISO 64 ISO 64

Suppressed Flash - Telephoto (140mm)

Forced Flash - Telephoto (140mm)

ISO 64 ISO 64

And here are some portrait shots. As you can see, neither the Forced Flash setting or the Red-Eye Correction option caused any red-eye.

Forced Flash

Forced Flash (100% Crop)

Red-eye Reduction Auto

Red-eye Reduction Auto (100% Crop)

Night Shot

The Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR's maximum shutter speed is 8 seconds in the Manual mode, which is fairly good news if you're seriously interested in night photography. The shot below was taken using a shutter speed of 8 seconds at ISO 100. I've included a 100% crop of the image to show what the quality is like.

Night Shot

Night Shot (100% Crop)

Anti Shake

The Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR has an anti-shake mechanism, which allows you to take sharp photos at slower shutter speeds than other digital cameras. To test this, I took 2 handheld shots of the same subject with the same settings. The first shot was taken with anti shake turned off, the second with it turned on. Here are some 100% crops of the images to show the results. As you can see, with anti shake turned on, the images are much sharper than with anti shake turned off. This feature really does seem to make a difference and could mean capturing a successful, sharp shot or missing the opportunity altogether.

Shutter Speed / Focal Length

Anti Shake Off (100% Crop)

Anti Shake On (100% Crop)

1/15th / 28mm
1/8th / 140mm

Sample Images

As of February 2025, we are no longer providing full size sample images or videos for download.

Please contact us if you have any feedback on our new policy.

Product Images

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Front of the Camera

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Front of the Camera / Lens Extended

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Isometric View

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Isometric View

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Rear of the Camera

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Rear of the Camera / Turned On

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Rear of the Camera / Main Menu

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Rear of the Camera / F-Mode Menu

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Rear of the Camera / Image Displayed


Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Rear of the Camera / EXR Mode

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Rear of the Camera / EXR Mode

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Top of the Camera

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Bottom of the Camera

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Side of the Camera

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Side of the Camera

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Memory Card Slot

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Battery Compartment

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Memory Card Slot

Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR

Battery Compartment


In a world of look-a-like digital cameras with ever-increasing megapixel counts, the Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR is a veritable breath of fresh air. If you're even remotely interested in getting the best-quality photos straight out of the camera, then the F200EXR is for you.

The new EXR mode is as effective in practice as it is revolutionary in principle. The D-Range Priority (DR) mode in particular is literally a real eye-opener, recording much greater dynamic range and preserving more detail in the shadows and highlights than either the F200EXR's own high-resolution mode, or any other compact camera that we've ever reviewed. EXR - High ISO & Low Noise Mode is admittedly less successful, producing slightly less noisy images at each equivalent setting than Resolution Priority mode, but this is tempered somewhat by the latter mode's excellent results from ISO 100-800, a much more versatile and usable range than most compacts offer. In essence the Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR takes both high-resolution photos with relatively little noise at the ISO speeds that you'll use most often, plus the added bonus of smaller 6 megapixel images with dynamic range to die for. Even if you can't decide between the different modes, the camera does a great job of picking the right one for almost every situation that you'll encounter.

The Fujifilm Finepix F200EXR is heavily based on the previous F100fd model, offering the same body, versatile 28-140mm 5x zoom lens and a very similar control layout. Thankfully Fujifilm have reinstated a key feature that made the F-series cameras so appealing to serious photographers, namely the A / M creative shooting modes that give you more control over what the camera is doing. This is a very welcome step, although the lack of a shutter-priority mode and only offering two possible aperture settings does leave a slightly bitter taste in the mouth. The long-standing absence of a histogram in either shooting or playback mode and any bracketing options also grates, and many would-be-buyers will be instantly put off by the lack of a RAW mode. The potential combination of EXR and RAW is certainly mouth-watering, and one that we would love to see in a future Fujifilm camera.

For now, though, the Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR produces fantastic out-of-the-camera JPEG images with low noise and amazing dynamic range. Sure, the pay-off is physically smaller images in some instances, but if you want to literally see the finer details in all areas of your photos, that's a price well worth paying in our book.

4.5 stars

Ratings (out of 5)
Design 4
Features 4.5
Ease-of-use 4.5
Image quality 5
Value for money 4

Review Roundup

Reviews of the Fujifilm FinePix F200EXR from around the web.

photoreview.com.au »

Fujifilm's FinePix F200EXR introduces a brand new image sensor. Significantly larger than the standard '1/2.3-inch' type (6.16 x 4.62 mm) chip, the new Super CCD EXR sensor measures 8.08 x 6.01 mm. With an effective resolution of 12 megapixels, this sensor represents the latest generation of Super CCD technology. Designed primarily for point-and-shoot photographers, the F200EXR relies mainly on automated exposure controls.
Read the full review »

dpreview.com »

While playing lip-service to the needs of low-light photography (and continuing to produce cameras whose processing give them a slight edge over their contemporaries), Fujifilm didn't appear to make further progress in the direction the F30 had pioneered. With the F200 EXR, Fujifilm seems to suggest that it wants to regain its low-light crown, based on a novel sensor technology it has developed (explained on the next page). In a time when compact cameras are becoming increasingly commoditized, it's interesting to see a company trying to use more than just marketing to differentiate its products.
Read the full review »

dcresource.com »

The Fuji FinePix F200EXR ($399) is a compact camera with a one-of-a-kind sensor. The SuperCCD EXR sensor found in the F200EXR allows the user to select what's most important in the photo they're taking: high resolution, high sensitivity and low noise, or wide dynamic range. Previous SuperCCD sensors have been better that the competition in terms of noise, and Fuji is looking to widen their lead in that area, while also improving dynamic range (which is never a strong point on compact cameras). I'll tell you more about the SuperCCD EXR later in the review.
Read the full review »


Number of effective pixels*1 12.0 million pixels
CCD sensor 1/1.6-in. Super CCD EXR
Storage media
  • Internal memory (Approx. 48MB)
  • xD-Picture card TM (16MB - 2GB)
  • SD memory card
  • SDHC memory card*2
File format
Still image:
JPEG (Exif Ver. 2.2*3)
AVI (Motion JPEG) with sound
WAVE format, Monaural sound
(Design rule for Camera File system compliant / DPOF-compatible)
Number of recorded pixels Still image:
L: 4:3 4,000 x 3,000 / L: 3:2 4,000 x 2,664 / L: 16:9 4,000 x 2,248
M: 4:3 2,816 x 2,112 / M: 3:2 2,816 x 1,864 / M: 16:9 2,816 x 1,584
S: 4:3 2,048 x 1,536 / S: 3:2 2,048 x 1,360 / S: 16:9 1,920 x 1,080
Lens Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, F3.3 (Wide) - F5.1 (Telephoto)
Lens focal length f=6.4 - 32.0mm, equivalent to 28 - 140mm on a 35mm camera
Digital zoom Approx. 4.4x
Aperture Wide: F3.3 / F9.0, Telephoto: F5.1 / F14.0
Focus distance
(from lens surface)
  • Wide: Approx. 45cm / 1.5ft. to infinity
  • Telephoto: Approx. 80cm / 2.6ft. to infinity
  • Wide: Approx. 5cm - 80cm / 0.2ft. - 2.6ft.
  • Telephoto: Approx. 50cm - 1m / 1.6ft. - 3.3ft.
Sensitivity Auto / Auto(3200) / Auto(1600) / Auto(800) / Auto(400) / Equivalent to ISO 100 / 200 / 400 / 800 / 1600 / 3200 / 6400 / 12800 (Standard Output Sensitivity)
  • * Number of recorded pixels: ISO6400: “M” or “S”, ISO12800: “S”only
Exposure control TTL 256-zones metering
Exposure mode Programmed AE, Aperture Priority AE, Manual
Shooting modes
Mode dial:
Auto, EXR, Natural Light, Natural Light & with Flash, SP, P, M, Movie
Portrait, Portrait Enhancer, Landscape, Sport, Night, Fireworks, Night (Tripod), Sunset, Snow, Beach, Underwater, Museum, Party, Flower, Text
Image Stabilization CCD-shift type
Shutter speed (Auto mode) 1/4 sec. to 1/1500 sec., (All other modes) 8 sec. to 1/1500 sec.
Continuous shooting
  • Top-3 (max. 1.4 frames/sec.)
  • Top-12, High speed (max. 5 frames/sec., number of recorded pixels: “S” only)
  • Final-3 (max. 1.4 frames/sec.)
  • FInal-12, High speed (max. 5 frames/sec., number of recorded pixels: “S” only)
  • Long-period
Focus Auto focus (Area, Multi, Centre) / Continuous AF assist illuminator available
White balance Automatic scene recognition Preset: Fine, Shade, Fluorescent light (Daylight), Fluorescent light (Warm white), Fluorescent light (Cool white), Incandescent light, Underwater lighting Custom
Self-timer Approx. 10sec. / 2sec. delay
Flash Auto flash Effective range (ISO AUTO):
  • Wide: Approx. 60cm - 4.3m / 2.0ft. - 14.1ft.
  • Telephoto: Approx. 60cm - 2.8m / 2.0ft. - 9.2ft.
  • Approx. 30cm - 80cm / 1.0ft. - 2.6ft.
Flash modes
  • Red-eye removal OFF: Auto, Forced Flash, Suppressed Flash, Slow Synchro.
  • Red-eye removal ON: Red-eye Reduction Auto, Red-eye Reduction & Forced Flash, Suppressed Flash, Red-eye Reduction & Slow Synchro.
LCD monitor 3.0-inch, Approx. 230,000 dots, TFT color LCD monitor, Approx. 100% coverage
Movie recording 640 x 480 pixels / 320 x 240 pixels (30 frames/sec.) with monaural sound
  • * Zoom function cannot be used during movie recording.
Photography functions EXR mode (EXR AUTO, RESOLUTION PRIORITY, HIGH ISO&LOW NOSIE POIORITY, D-RANGE POIORITY), Film Simulation, Face Detection (with Auto red-eye removal), Power management, Framing guideline, Frame No. memory
Playback functions Face Detection (with Red-eye removal), Slideshow, Trimming, Multi-frame playback (with Micro Thumbnail), Sorting by date, Image rotate, Resize, Voice memo
Video output NTSC / PAL selectable
HD output Analog component/HDC-1 component video cable for digital camera
Digital interface USB 2.0 High-speed
Power supply NP-50 Li-ion battery (included) / CP-50 with AC power adapter AC-5VX (sold separately)
Dimensions 97.7(W) x 58.9(H) x 23.4(D)mm / 3.8(W) x 2.3(H) x 0.9(D)in. (excluding accessories and attachments)
Weight Approx. 175g/6.2oz. (excluding accessories, batteries and memory card)

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