Replichrome II: Slide Review

September 24, 2014 | Matt Grayson | Software Reviews | Rating star Rating star Rating star Rating star


Replichrome II: Slide works just as well as Replichrome I: Icon, so there's no complaints with performance. It does work differently in Camera Raw to Lightroom, though. There's no splitting of the filters into sections and while we tested it, there was no particular way to see that the filter was being applied. That's not too much of a problem until you want to simply try some of the effects out and they look quite similar.

The advantage is that if you don't currently use Lightroom, but have Photoshop, you don't have to buy anything else because it works in Adobe Bridge. It just seems to be a lot more basic.


Replichrome II: SlideAgfa 1000RS

Replichrome II: SlideFuji Astia 100F

Replichrome II: SlideFuji Provia 100 Noritsu

Replichrome II: SlideKodak Panther 400x

Replichrome II: SlideScotch Chrome 100 Noritsu

Replichrome II: SlideScotch Chrome 100 Noritsu

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