Serif MoviePlus X6 Review

June 18, 2012 | Matt Grayson | Software Reviews | Rating star Rating star Rating star Rating star Half rating star

Importing media into Serif Movieplus X6 is a very easy task. Just select the file as you would open a picture in an editing suite and it puts it into the space to the right of the preview window. It would be nice to see a thumbnail at this point, but that's not available until you drag it into the time-line which takes up the entire bottom half of the screen.

Once all the footage and pictures have loaded, you can start adding them into the time-line. It's a simple drag and drop system with the video track, audio track and separate tracks to add titles to. Clicking on Storyboard will change the time-line to a tile system with each clip represented by a frame of video. This is an easier way to see the video if you're new to Serif Movieplus X6. It also automatically overlaps the last couple of seconds to the clips so that they fade in to each other.

Serif Movieplus X6Figure 4 - Adding Text

To edit clips in Serif Movieplus X6, you can either chop roughly using the scissors icon at the top of the time-line or you can be more precise using the trim tool that is recognised by the stanley knife icon. This method opens another window with the clip loaded in. You can edit one end of the clip (default) or click multi-edit to clip either end if needed.

Serif Movieplus X6Figure 5 - Filter Effects

There are a couple of ways to import some video or pictures into Serif Movieplus X6 and that's the first thing that needs to be completed. It can be done by clicking Import Media above the video preview or by clicking the same icon to the right of the window that's attached to the large space. This makes it very easy to use but we can't help feeling a little molly coddled; kind of like having an air traffic controller helping you park your car.

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