A Restaurant View

December 30, 2004 | Mark Goldstein | Personal | Comment |

Restaurant ViewI haven’t posted too many of my own pictures lately - been experiencing a little photographer’s block here in Paris. But an inspirational Christmas present (The Great LIFE Photographers, 600 pages read on Christmas Day) and a visit to the Robert Capa exhibition today at the Bibliotheque nationale de france have hopefully made me turn a corner. I have been taking some photos, just not as many or with the quality that I would have liked. This is one of the ones that I am pleased with - taken in the Samaritaine restaurant on the 5th floor, looking out over the Seine, against the light, with my Canon G3 resting on the table. I was also slightly drunk at the time after one too many lunchtime aperitifs - maybe this is a tactic that I could adopt for the future? (not that I’m advocating alcohol you understand…).

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