Covent Garden in Colour

March 6, 2003 | Mark Goldstein | Personal | Comment |

On yet another bitterly cold London day, I decided to go back to Covent Garden and take some colour shots of the street entertainers. All of the usual suspects were out in force; the Golden Man with the Bike, the Silver Fairy Woman and several others. They all basically stand still until the crowd gives them money, and then they perform a certain action. For example, the bike man rings his bell and changes position, while the Fairy Woman waves her wand and blows a kiss.

Unusually a couple of them broke off their routine and waved away my attempts at photographing them, so I was left with the Golden Man as the most willing subject. Here are the best 3 shots from the 36 Kodak EBX 100 frames that I took, all using my Tamron 75-300mm lens at a wide-open aperture…

Covent Garden Colour #1
Covent Garden Colour #2
Covent Garden Colour #3
Covent Garden Colour #1
Covent Garden Colour #2
Covent Garden Colour #3