I need to get out more...

February 10, 2003 | Mark Goldstein | Personal | Comment |

I’ve just sat down and worked out how many photographs I’ve taken so far in 2003. My equation reads:

Canon EOS 300
3 x 36-exposure colour films
4 x 36-exposure black and white films

Olympus Mju II
1 x 24-exposure colour film

Minolta Dimage 5
Approx. 50 images

326 images

The fact that I haven’t taken that many photographs in the last 6 weeks, combined with the fact that I’ve just worked this all out, means that I should probably get out and take more pictures! I’ve only gone out 6 times to specifically take photographs.

The next thing I’ll do is try and work out how many of those 326 images I actually like…