Nikon Coolpix 8400
Review Date: May 23rd 2005
The Nikon Coolpix 8400 is a digital camera with a rather unique selling point. The Nikon 8400 has a 24mm wide-angle lens, which is currently the widest focal length available on any compact digital camera. This does come at the expense of a shorter telephoto focal length, which is equivalent to 85mm, but that is still fine for portrait shots. Other standout features on the Nikon 8400 include an 8 megapixel sensor with support for RAW, TIFF and JPEG formats, full creative control over exposure in the form of aperture-priority, shutter-priority and manual modes, plus a hotshoe that accepts a Nikon Speedlight flashgun. The Nikon Coolpix 8400 is aimed firmly at the serious prosumer, but can it compete in a market where DSLR cameras are quickly becoming more affordable? Read my review to find out.
The recommended retail price of the Nikon Coolpix 8400 in the UK is £599.99 and in the US it is $799.99.
You can buy the Nikon Coolpix 8400 from PhotographyBLOG's recommended retailer,, for only £518.99. Free shipping in the UK!
You can buy the Nikon Coolpix 8400 from PhotographyBLOG's recommended retailer,, for only $729.94. Free shipping in the US!
PhotographyBLOG is a member of the DIWA organisation. Our test results for the Nikon Coolpix 8400 have been submitted to DIWA for comparison with test results for different samples of the same camera model supplied by other DIWA member sites.