Topaz ReStyle Review

Each picture you load into ReStyle is analysed. This is a good idea but it means that it takes some time to launch the program. When using ReStyle, we recommend duplicating the layer before launching as it doesn't create one for you.
The thumbnails when previewing the different layers are larger than usual and we like that. The categories can take a while to load in though. Our main concern was the fact that it kept crashing on us, usually when we tried to change categories. This wasn't a regular occurrence either.
The previews in the ReStyle window look garish, but settle down a bit when applied to the photograph. Some of them do appear to be too strong though. While this isn't the end of the world as you can adjust it in the manual section on the right, it could put you off even trying it out. Plus, with the analysis of each picture taking place, we expected to see previews that complimented the picture with various tones and hues.
For example, the portrait category has a pre-set called Soft Siam Fade. It bleaches everything out in the photo. It's like someone has simply turned up the brightness and not bothered to compensate for the contrast. Of course, things like this can be personal preference, but we struggle to see how anyone can want to have a portrait image in this style.
The results we did manage to get are very nice and when it works right, they're realistic. It goes to show that with some patience and a bit of trial and error (until you know the system), you can get some decent results.
Architecture - Original
Architecture - Preset
Landscape - Original
Landscape - Preset
Portrait - Original
Portrait - Preset
Nature - Original
Nature - Preset
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