Apple iPhone 6 Plus Review

November 17, 2014 | Amy Davies | Rating star Rating star Rating star Rating star


The iPhone 6 Plus joins the iPhone 6 as the latest smartphone from Apple. It features the same camera, but with optical image stabiliser, and a much bigger body and screen than its smaller sibling. Apple has stuck with the same 8 million pixel resolution since the iPhone 4S, and the company’s devices have been the most popular “cameras” in the world for some time now. The iPhone 6 Plus also has the same f/2.2 lens and processor as the iPhone 5S, with the majority of the changes taking place via software. A new introduction is Focus Pixels - which basically means that the camera now has phase detection pixels making it quicker to focus than the 5S - Apple claims that it is twice as quick as its predecessor. Along with that, there’s also improved face detection, and there’s now the ability to change exposure manually.

Ease of Use

For a long time, Apple resisted the temptation to build a large “phablet” style smartphone, but with the iPhone 6 Plus, the company has finally given into the popularity of such large devices. The screen is a whopping 5.5 inches, and features Apple’s Retina Display for ultra crisp viewing.

While this makes it great to look at images, watch movies, or generally use apps, it does have its downsides.  Its large and flat size makes it quite unwieldy in the hand and it takes some time to get used to holding it securely without it feeling like it’s going to drop. If you wanted to hold the phone in a traditional way that you might hold a camera, you’ll probably find that your fingers obscure the lens - again this is something that you soon get used to in practice, but unfortunately makes it fairly difficult to hold ultra securely.

Apple iPhone 6 Plus
Front of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus

As with all iPhones, the majority of the control takes place via the touch sensitive screen, but there are some important physical buttons which are useful when taking pictures too. On the right hand side of the phone is the power on/off button or lock switch - hold it down to switch the phone on or off, or simply press once to lock or unlock the phone.

From the lock screen you can take a photo by swiping upwards from the bottom right hand corner of the screen. You’ll be able to view pictures that you’ve taken while the phone is locked, but you will need to unlock it properly if you want to view the rest of your photos. Still, it’s a very handy and quick way to fire off a few off the cuff snaps without having to fully activate the phone.

Apple iPhone 6 Plus
Rear of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus

On the right hand side of the phone are volume buttons, but you can also use these to take pictures or video when using the camera - this is handy when you’re holding the phone as you would a traditional camera - you can position the volume buttons as a normal shutter release button on a standard camera.

You can use the iPhone’s camera from within several different apps, such as Instagram, but it is probably the phone’s native camera app that you will use for the majority of shooting situations. There’s not a huge amount you can control, but there have been some improvements over the iPhone 5S with the introduction of iOS8.

Apple iPhone 6 Plus
The Apple iPhone 6 Plus - Image Displayed

In order to set the focus point, you simply tap the area on the screen that you want to focus on. A new feature you’ll now see is that a small sun icon appears, you can swipe this up or down to adjust exposure compensation, which is handy for overly dark or overly bright conditions. By selecting the autofocus point, you’ll also set the metering.

Along the bottom of the screen you’ll see various options which allow you to move between various shooting modes which are available, including photo (standard 4:3 ratio), square (1:1 ratio), panorama, video, slow-mo and time-lapse mode.  On the bottom right of the screen you’ll see three overlapping circles - if you press this you can add various digital filters including Tonal, Mono, Noir, Chrome and Process.

Apple iPhone 6 Plus
The Apple iPhone 6 Plus - Camera Mode

On the top of the screen, there’s the option to switch the flash on, off or leave it on Auto to let the phone decide when is the most appropriate time to fire it off. There’s also the option to switch HDR on, off or again leave it on Auto. Another new introduction is timer mode, which is useful for selfies and group shots - you can set the phone to delay shutter release for three or ten seconds - when he countdown is reached, the phone will fire off a burst of shots to help you get the best one in a group situation. Finally at the top of the screen you’ll see an icon for switching between the rear camera and the front facing camera - useful for photographing selfies.

In order to take a shot, as already mentioned, you can use one of the volume buttons, or if you prefer, you can tap the virtual button within the camera app itself. If you hold down either the physical or virtual button, you’ll activate burst shooting and the camera will continue to fire off shots until you release the button. When you do release, the phone will automatically pick which one it thinks is the best - but you can choose an alternative by pressing “Select” underneath the previewed image.  Once you’ve chosen the best shot, you can elect to keep only that image and delete everything else, or keep all of the shots.

Apple iPhone 6 Plus
Rear of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Once you’ve taken a picture, the phone gives you a few editing options from within the app itself. For instance, you can add any of the digital filters that were available pre-shooting at this stage too. You can also adjust brightness, saturation, and black and white styles. You can also crop and rotate an image. Handily, at any stage, you can revert back to the original image even after you’ve carried out several edits. It’s also possible to favourite images by tapping a small heart icon underneath the preview - these will be stored in a separate folder in your Images app, allowing you to quickly view all of your favourite shots without having to navigate past all your other photos.

As part of the iOS operating system, there’s a huge range of different apps which you can use to take and edit photos. Some good popular options include Instagram and Photoshop Express, but there are literally hundreds to experiment with.

Image Quality

All of the sample images in this review were taken using the 8 megapixel JPEG setting, which gives an average image size of around 2.5Mb.

Independent experts DxO Labs recently proclaimed the iPhone 6 (and 6 Plus) to have the best cameras of any smartphones ever made, so it’s with pretty high hopes that we enter into this test.

Thankfully, the iPhone 6 Plus can really deliver. Images are beautifully bright and vivid, with bags of detail - especially so if you view them at normal phone or tablet sizes. If you examine at 100%, it’s possible to see some image smoothing, but it’s certainly comparable with standalone compact cameras, and the overall effect is better than some of the cheapest cameras currently on the market.

Low light is often where a camera phone will fall down, but the iPhone 6 Plus copes pretty well, although it is a shame not to be able to choose sensitivity settings yourself, at the higher end of the scale image quality is still maintained with lots of detail - again especially if you’re looking at images at normal web sizes. It also copes well with artificial light to produce accurate colours, perhaps erring ever so slightly towards yellow or orange tones under very strong artificial lights.

In most conditions, the metering system copes well to produce well-balanced exposures. Changing the autofocus mode also changes the metering point, and this works well when you’re photographing something with high contrast and want the exposure to be based upon the subject.

A range of fun digital filters make it a great camera to use if you want a little creativity, and of course there’s also the option to expand the functionality of the camera via the different apps which are available.

Panoramic images can be achieved via the native camera app and these are both easy to create and fun to look at. There don’t appear to be any join lines or jagged edges, and once again if you’re viewing at a normal print size or on a computer, they’re very impressive.

There’s no optical zoom available with the iPhone camera, but there is a digital zoom available. In good light, this is passable, and if you really need to get close to a subject it’s handy to have - but generally speaking it’s better to shoot and crop afterwards if you need to frame a particular subject.

Focal Range

The Apple iPhone 6 Plus's lens provides a focal range of 29mm in 35mm terms, as demonstrated below.


Digital Zoom On

focal_range1.jpg focal_range2.jpg


Here are two 100% crops which have been Saved as Web - Quality 50 in Photoshop. The right-hand image has had some sharpening applied in Photoshop. The out-of-the camera images are a little soft at the default sharpening setting and benefit from some further sharpening in a program like Adobe Photoshop.

Original (100% Crop)

Sharpened (100% Crop)

sharpen1.jpg sharpen1a.jpg
sharpen2.jpg sharpen2a.jpg

Chromatic Aberrations

The Apple iPhone 6 Plus handled chromatic aberrations quite well during the review, with some purple fringing mainly present around the edges of objects in high-contrast situations, as shown in the examples below.

Chromatic Aberrations 1 (100% Crop)

Chromatic Aberrations 2 (100% Crop)

chromatic1.jpg chromatic2.jpg


The Apple iPhone 6 Plus offers a Macro setting that allows you to focus on a subject that is 5cms away from the camera.


Macro (100% Crop)

macro1.jpg macro1a.jpg


The flash settings on the Apple iPhone 6 Plus are Off, On and Auto. These shots of a white coloured wall were taken at a distance of 1.5m.

Flash Off

Flash On

ISO 64 ISO 64

And here are a couple of portrait shots.

Flash Off

Flash On

flash_off1.jpg flash_on1.jpg


The Apple iPhone 6 Plus's maximum shutter speed is 1/2 second, which isn't great news if you're seriously interested in night photography. The shot below was taken using a shutter speed of 1/15th second at ISO 100.


Night (100% Crop)

night1.jpg night1a.jpg


The Apple iPhone 6 Plus allows you to take panoramic images very easily, by 'sweeping' with the camera while keeping the shutter release depressed. The camera automatically does all the processing and stitching.


Sample Images

As of February 2025, we are no longer providing full size sample images or videos for download.

Please contact us if you have any feedback on our new policy.

Product Images

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Front of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Front of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus / Turned On

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Front of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus / Camera Mode

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Front of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus / Camera Mode

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Front of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus / Image Displayed

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Front of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus / Filters

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Rear of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Rear of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus / Image Displayed

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Front of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus


Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Side of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Side of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus


While mobile phone manufacturers continue to make such excellent cameras, it’s easy to understand why compact camera manufacturers are worried.

Here in the iPhone 6 Plus, you have something which is capable of capturing fantastic images, especially so in good light, but also coping pretty well as the light fades too. In terms of image quality, it’s difficult to fault, and it seems likely that Apple will continue to hold onto its claim of most popular camera for some time.

However, there are downsides to using such a large device. For starters, it’s not the most comfortable in the hand, and if you want to use it in a similar fashion to a normal cameras, it’s very easy to accidentally obscure the lens. The large size also has the knock on effect of making it harder to keep perfectly still - which probably explains why the iPhone 6 Plus features optical image stabilisation when the iPhone 6 does not.

On the plus side, when you’re viewing an image back, the large screen really makes pictures pop and you can zoom in to see fine detail very quickly and easily.

Apple has made a number of new introductions with iOS8, which make it quicker and easier to use the phone in a lot of different ways - for instance the new search function for your images allows you to sort by location - but this is not something which is unique to the iPhone 6, as earlier models can upgrade to the latest operating system for free.

One of the biggest problems that previous iPhones had was with battery life - something which can be particularly problematic if you’re using the camera a lot. Apple has improved battery life significantly for the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, and you should now expect the phone to last the whole day unless you really are constantly taking photos.

There is plenty of competition for the likes of the iPhone 6 Plus, but if camera image quality is your main concern for your smartphone, and you’re enticed by the prospect of a super large screen, this is a great choice.

4 stars

Ratings (out of 5)
Design 4.5
Features 4.5
Ease-of-use 4
Image quality 4
Value for money 2.5

Main Rivals

Listed below are some of the rivals of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus.

Google Nexus 5

The new Google Nexus 5 is one of the cheapest flagship smartphones on the market, but also one of the most powerful and full-featured too, running the latest KitKat version of Android. But what kind of experience does it offer photographers? Read our Google Nexus 5 review to find out...

HTC One (M8)

The HTC One (M8) is a new flagship smartphone with not one, but two cameras, using the second one as a depth sensor that allows you to change the point of focus after taking a photo and achieve DSLR-like shallow depth-of field effects. Does this make the HTC One (M8) the best smartphone for avid photographers? Read our HTC One (M8) review to find out..

Nokia Lumia 1020

The Nokia Lumia 1020 is a new 41-megapixel smartphone - yes, you read that right, 41 megapixels. The Lumia 1020 also offers built-in optical image stabilisation, a 3x loss-less zoom for stills and 6x for movies, a 26mm fixed lens with fast f/2.2 aperture, and 1080p video at 30fps with stereo sound. Read our Nokia Lumia 1020 review to find out if it can replace a compact camera.

Samsung Galaxy S5

The Samsung Galaxy S5 is the latest edition of one of the most popular flagship smartphones of all time. Find out what it has to offer photographers by reading our Samsung Galaxy S5 review, complete with full-size sample photos, test shots, videos and more...

Sony Xperia Z2

The Sony Xperia Z2 is a waterproof smartphone that features a lot of cutting-edge camera technologies. The Xperia Z2 has a 20 megapixel sensor, 27mm fixed lens with fast f/2 aperture, 4K and 1080p video, sweep panoramas, a range of picture effects and Timeshift burst shooting. Read our in-depth Sony Xperia Z2 review now...

Review Roundup

Reviews of the Apple iPhone 6 Plus from around the web. »

A 5.5-inch iPhone. It's something which will send a shudder down the spines of a collective of die-hard Apple fans, a handset some thought we'd never see from the Cupertino-based outfit.
Read the full review » »

Having stuck to it's guns for so long Apple finally ceded the point – people want bigger phones. The continued success of plus-sized Android models like the Galaxy Note series and upcoming Nexus 6 has backed Apple into a corner. And when that happens it tends to come out all guns blazing.
Read the full review » »

In our iPhone 6 Plus review we benchmark the new Apple phablet, run photo comparisons with the iPhone 5s and evaluate the iPhone 6 Plus's design, features, and UK price. Plus: Is it too big for your hand? (It was for ours.) Here's everything you need to know about the iPhone 6 Plus, including whether you should be concerned about Bendgate.
Read the full review »


Weight and Dimensions2

iPhone 6 Plus

158.1 mm
(6.22 inches)

77.8 mm
(3.06 inches)

7.1 mm
(0.28 inches)

Weight: 172 grams (6.07 ounces)




Retina HD display

5.5-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit widescreen Multi-Touch display with IPS technology

1920x1080-pixel resolution at 401 ppi

1300:1 contrast ratio (typical)

500 cd/m2 max brightness (typical)

Full sRGB standard

Dual-domain pixels for wide-angle viewing

Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating on front

Support for display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously

Display Zoom



A8 chip with 64-bit architecture

M8 motion coprocessor

iSight Camera

New 8-megapixel iSight camera with 1.5µ pixels

Autofocus with Focus Pixels

ƒ/2.2 aperture

Optical image stabilisation (iPhone 6 Plus only)

True Tone flash

Five-element lens

Hybrid IR filter

Backside illumination sensor

Sapphire crystal lens cover

Auto image stabilisation

Auto HDR for photos

Improved face detection

Exposure control

Panorama (up to 43 megapixels)

Burst mode

Tap to focus

Photo geotagging

Timer mode

Video Recording

1080p HD video recording (30 fps or 60 fps)

True Tone flash

Slo-mo video (120 fps or 240 fps)

Time-lapse video

Cinematic video stabilisation

Continuous autofocus video

Take still photos while recording video

Improved face detection

3x zoom

Video geotagging

FaceTime Camera

1.2-megapixel photos (1280x960)

ƒ/2.2 aperture

720p HD video recording

Backside illumination sensor

Auto HDR for photos and videos

Improved face detection

Burst mode

Exposure control

Touch ID

Fingerprint identity sensor built into the Home button

Mobile and Wireless

Model A1549 (GSM)*
Model A1522 (GSM)*

UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)

GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)

LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29)

Model A1549 (CDMA)*
Model A1522 (CDMA)*

CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)

UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)

GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)

LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29)

Model A1586 (GSM)*
Model A1524 (GSM)*

UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)

TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A)

GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)

FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29)

TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41)

Model A1586 (CDMA)*
Model A1524 (CDMA)*

CDMA EV-DO Rev. A and Rev. B (800, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)

UMTS/HSPA+/DC-HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz)

TD-SCDMA 1900 (F), 2000 (A)

GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)

FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29)

TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41)

All models

802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi

Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology



Assisted GPS and GLONASS

Digital compass


Mobile data

iBeacon micro-location

Video Calling3

FaceTime video

Initiate video calls over Wi-Fi or a mobile network to any FaceTime-enabled device

FaceTime over mobile a mobile network uses H.264/H.265

Audio Calling3

FaceTime audio

iPhone 6 to any FaceTime audio-enabled device over Wi-Fi or a mobile network

Audio Playback

Audio formats supported: AAC (8 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), HE-AAC, MP3 (8 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, 4, Audible Enhanced Audio, AAX and AAX+), Apple Lossless, AIFF and WAV

User-configurable maximum volume limit

TV and Video

AirPlay Mirroring, photos, audio and video out to Apple TV (2nd generation or later)

Video mirroring and video out support: up to 1080p through Lightning Digital AV Adapter and Lightning to VGA Adapter (adapters sold separately)

Video formats supported: H.264 video up to 1080p, 60 frames per second, High Profile level 4.2 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video up to 2.5 Mbps, 640x480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4 and .mov file formats; Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280x720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file format

Intelligent Assistant4

Siri — Use your voice to send messages, set reminders and more

Use hands-free

Listen to and identify songs

External Buttons and Connectors

Home/Touch ID sensor

Volume up/down




Lightning connector

3.5-mm stereo
headphone mini-jack

Built-in speaker

Power and Battery5

Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery

Charging via USB to computer system or power adapter

Talk time: up to 14 hours on 3G

Standby time: up to 10 days (250 hours)

Internet use: up to 10 hours on 3G, up to 10 hours on 4G LTE, up to 11 hours on Wi-Fi

Video playback: up to 11 hours

Audio playback: up to 50 hours

Talk time: up to 24 hours on 3G

Standby time: up to 16 days (384 hours)

Internet use: up to 12 hours on 3G, up to 12 hours on 4G LTE, up to 12 hours on Wi-Fi

Video playback: up to 14 hours

Audio playback: up to 80 hours


Touch ID


Three-axis gyro


Proximity sensor

Ambient light sensor

Operating System


iOS 8

With amazing new capabilities and updates to features you use every day, iOS 8 is the biggest iOS release ever.


iOS 8 includes:

  • AirDrop
  • Family Sharing
  • Notification Centre
  • AirPlay
  • iCloud Drive
  • QuickType keyboard
  • CarPlay
  • Siri
  • Control Centre
  • Multitasking
  • Spotlight Search

Built-in Apps

  • Photos

  • Health

  • Messages

  • Phone

  • FaceTime

  • Mail

  • Music

  • Passbook

  • Safari

  • Maps

  • Siri

  • Calendar

  • iTunes Store

  • App Store

  • Notes

  • Contacts

  • iBooks

  • Game Center

  • Weather

  • Reminders

  • Voice Memos

  • Clock

  • Videos

  • Stocks

  • Calculator

  • Newsstand

  • Compass

  • Podcasts

Free Apps from Apple6

  • iMovie

  • Pages

  • Keynote

  • Numbers

  • iTunes U

  • GarageBand

  • Apple Store

  • Remote

  • Find My iPhone

  • Find My Friends


Apple EarPods with Remote and Mic

Storage and travel case

SIM Card


iPhone 6 is not compatible with existing micro-SIM cards.



Rating for Hearing Aids

iPhone 6 (Model A1549, A1586): M3, T4

iPhone 6 Plus (Model A1522, A1524): M3, T4

Mail Attachment Support

Viewable document types

.jpg, .tiff, .gif (images); .doc and .docx (Microsoft Word); .htm and .html (web pages); .key (Keynote); .numbers (Numbers); .pages (Pages); .pdf (Preview and Adobe Acrobat); .ppt and .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint); .txt (text); .rtf (rich text format); .vcf (contact information); .xls and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel); .zip; .ics

System Requirements

Apple ID (required for some features)

Internet access7

Syncing with iTunes on a Mac or PC requires:

  • Mac: OS X v10.6.8 or later
  • PC: Windows 8; Windows 7; Windows Vista; or Windows XP Home or Professional with Service Pack 3 or later
  • iTunes 11.4 or later (free download from

Environmental Requirements

Operating ambient temperature: 0° to 35° C (32° to 95° F)

Non-operating temperature: –20° to 45° C (–4° to 113° F)

Relative humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing

Operating altitude: tested up to 3,000 metres (10,000 feet)


Language support

English (Australia, Canada, UK, US), Chinese (Simplified, Traditional, Traditional Hong Kong), French (Canada, France), German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Mexico, Spain), Arabic, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

QuickType keyboard support

English (Australia, Canada, India, UK, US), Chinese - Simplified (Handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke), Chinese - Traditional (Cangjie, Handwriting, Pinyin, Stroke, Sucheng, Zhuyin), French (Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese (Kana, Romaji), Korean, Spanish, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cherokee, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Emoji, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, Greek, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Marathi, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic, Latin), Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese

QuickType keyboard support with predictive input8

English (Australia, Canada, India, UK, US) Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), French (Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Germany, Switzerland), Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Thai

Siri languages

English (Australia, Canada, UK, US), Spanish (Mexico, Spain, US), French (Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Germany, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Cantonese (Hong Kong)

Dictation languages

English (Australia, Canada, UK, US), Spanish (Mexico, Spain, US), French (Canada, France, Switzerland), German (Germany, Switzerland), Italian (Italy, Switzerland), Japanese, Korean, Mandarin (Mainland China, Taiwan), Cantonese (Hong Kong), Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Swedish, Turkish, Thai, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

Definition dictionary support

English, Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Thai, Turkish

Bilingual dictionary support

Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish

Spell check

English (Australia, Canada, UK, US), French, German, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil, Portugal), Russian, Swedish, Turkish

In the Box

iPhone with iOS 8

Apple EarPods with Remote and Mic

Lightning to USB Cable

USB Power Adapter


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