Olympus M.ZUIKO Digital ED 14-150mm f/4-5.6 Review

November 23, 2010 | Zoltan Arva-Toth | Rating star Rating star Rating star Rating star

Sharpness Cont... 2

Sharpness at 45mm

The sharpness tests for this review were carried out using a real-world subject rather than a test chart. The M.ZUIKO Digital 14-150mm lens was attached to an Olympus E-P2 compact system camera, which in turn was mounted on a sturdy tripod. The self-timer was used to avoid any vibrations from pressing the shutter release. Slight tonal changes are due to slight changes in natural light during the session. The 100% crops represent about 1/300th of the total frame area.

The full frameThe full frame at 45mm

Centre and edge sharpness is best at f/5.4, i.e. wide open. Performance gradually decreases from there, although again it does not reach unacceptable levels until you hit f/22.

Aperture Centre Crop Edge Crop